Creating Bundles

The examples provides different kind of bundles and services definition:

Add extended information to bundles

Karaf supports a OSGI-INF/ file in a bundle. This file is an extended description of the bundle. It supports ASCII character declarations (for adding color, formatting, etc) and some simple Wiki syntax.

Simply add a src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/ file containing, for instance:


    Long description of your bundle, including usage, etc.


You can display this extended information using:

root@karaf> bundles:info

Wiki Syntax

Karaf supports some simple wiki syntax in bundle info files:

h1., h2., ... : Headings
* : Enumerations
[ http://.... ] : links (there must be a space after the opening bracket)
**text** : bold text

Creating bundles for non OSGi third party dependencies

Dynamically wrapping jars

Karaf supports the wrap: protocol execution.

It allows for directly deploying third party dependencies, like Apache Commons Lang:

root@karaf> bundles:install wrap:mvn:commons-lang/commons-lang/2.4

The wrap protocol creates a bundle dynamically using the bnd. Configurations can be added in the wrap URL:

  • from the shell

root@karaf> bundles:install 'wrap:mvn:commons-lang/commons-lang/2.4$Bundle-SymbolicName=commons-lang&Bundle-Version=2.4'
  • from features.xml


Important notice : Add as child of your feature definition, the reference to wrap feature

<feature prerequisite="true">wrap</feature>

Additional information about meaning of prerequisite attribute can be found in Feature prerequisites description.

For instance :

<features xmlns="" name="app-2.0.0">
	<feature name="external-libs" version="2.0.0" description="External libs">
		<details>External dependencies</details>
		<feature prerequisite="true">wrap</feature>
		<bundle start-level="80">wrap:mvn:net.sf.ehcache/ehcache-core/2.6.11$Bundle-SymbolicName=ehcache-core&amp;Bundle-Version=2.6.11</bundle>

Statically bundling jars

You can also create a wrap bundle for a third party dependency. This bundle is simply a Maven POM that shades an existing jar and package into a jar bundle.

For instance, to create an OSGi bundle that wraps Apache Commons Lang, simply define the following Maven POM:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


    <name>commons-lang OSGi Bundle</name>
    <description>This OSGi bundle simply wraps commons-lang-2.4.jar artifact.</description>





The resulting OSGi bundle can now be deployed directly:

root@karaf> bundles:install -s mvn:osgi.commons-lang/osgi.commons-lang/2.4