You can "brand" the Apache Karaf console.
By branding, it means that you can define your own:
the welcome message (motd or Message Of The Day) displayed when you start the console
the prompt displayed to the users
There are 2 ways of branding the Karaf console:
adding a file to etc
creating a branding bundle.
Adding a file to etc
Create a etc/
file similar to:
welcome = \ \u001B[36m __ __ ____ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / //_/____ __________ _/ __/ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / ,< / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ /_ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / /| |/ /_/ / / / /_/ / __/ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m /_/ |_|\\__,_/_/ \\__,_/_/ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \r\n\ \u001B[1m Apache Karaf\u001B[0m (4.0.0)\r\n\ \r\n\ Hit '\u001B[1m<tab>\u001B[0m' for a list of available commands\r\n\ and '\u001B[1m[cmd] --help\u001B[0m' for help on a specific command.\r\n\ Hit '\u001B[1m<ctrl-d>\u001B[0m' or '\u001B[1mosgi:shutdown\u001B[0m' to shutdown Karaf.\r\n prompt = \u001B[1m${USER}@${APPLICATION}\u001B[0m>
Start Karaf and you will see your branded Karaf console.
Adding a file to etc
In a similar way, a etc/
file can be added. It should contain the same
and prompt
entries but those will be used for external clients connecting through ssh.
The values default to the ones in etc/
if this file is not defined.
Branding bundle
It’s also possible to brand the Apache Karaf WebConsole.
You have to create a bundle, fragment of the Apache Karaf WebConsole.
This WebConsole branding bundle contains a META-INF/
containing branding properties:
# # This file contains branding properties to overwrite the default # branding of the Apache Felix Web Console when deployed in an # Apache Karaf application. = My Web Console = My Karaf webconsole.product.url = webconsole.product.image = /res/karaf/imgs/logo.png = The Apache Software Foundation webconsole.vendor.url = webconsole.vendor.image = /res/karaf/imgs/logo.png webconsole.favicon = /res/karaf/imgs/favicon.ico webconsole.stylesheet = /res/karaf/ui/webconsole.css
The bundle also provides the css stylesheet and images defined in this properties file.
As for console, you can use the following pom.xml
to create the WebConsole branding bundle:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>branding</artifactId> <packaging>bundle</packaging> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.4.0</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <instructions> <Bundle-DocURL></Bundle-DocURL> <Fragment-Host>org.apache.karaf.webconsole.console;bundle-version="[3,4)"</Fragment-Host> <Export-Package>!*</Export-Package> <Import-Package> javax.servlet;version=2.4, javax.servlet.http;version=2.4, !org.apache.felix.webconsole*, org.apache.aries.blueprint, org.osgi.service.blueprint.container, org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect, * </Import-Package> </instructions> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>
With the webconsole
feature installed, you can install this bundle (using bundle:install
or by editing the
), you will see the WebConsole with your branding.