User CLI Commands

Lens provides CLI on a shell. This document provides various commands available in lens CLI. All the commands documented below can be seen by typing help from the CLI shell.

Session management

Opening the lens CLI shell is equivalent to open a session with lens server. This section provides all the commands available for in shell which are applicable for the full session.

Lens Session Management Command list
Command Description
set name=value Assign value to session parameter specified with name on lens server
get name Fetches and prints session parameter specified with name name from lens server
show params Fetches and prints all session parameter from lens server
add jar path to jar file Adds jar resource to the session
add file path to file Adds the file resource to the session
remove jar path to file removes jar resource from the session
remove file path to file remove the file resource from the session
close Closes the session on the lens server and exits the shell. It is mandatory to call close to release all the resource of the session

OLAP Data cube metadata management

These commands provide CRUD for storages, cubes, facts, dimensions and partitions.

Lens Database Management Command list
Command Description
show database prints a list of databases on lens server
use database-name Sets the session database to database specified by database-name
create database database-name creates a database specified by database-name
drop database database-name drops the database specified by database-name

Lens Storage Management List
Command Description
show storage print all the storages present in the current database
create storage storage-spec Creates a new storage specified in storage-spec file
update storage storage-table storage-spec Updates storage storage-table as specified in the storage-spec file
drop storage storage-table drops storage table dimension-table
describe storage storage-table Prints the Schema and properties of Storage table storage-table

Cube Management Command list
Command Description
show cubes Displays list of cubes
create cube path to cube-spec.xml Creates a cube specified in cube-spec.xml
drop cube cube-name Drops a cube specified by the name
update cube cube-name cube-spec updates the cube with cube-name to cube specification specified in cube-spec file
describe cube cube-name Print the schema of the cube

Lens Dimension Table Management Command list
Command Description
show dimensions print all the dimension tables present in the current database
create dimension dimension-spec storage-spec Creates a new dimesion table with specification specified in dimension-spec file and storage specified in storage-spec file
update dimension dimension-table dimension-spec Updates dimension table dimension-table as specified in the dimension-spec file
drop dimension dimension-table drops dimension table dimension-table
describe dimension dimension-table Prints the Schema and property of Dimension table dimension-table
dim list storage dimension-table Prints list of storages associated to a particular dimension-table
dim add storage dimension-table storage-spec Adds a storage specified in storage-specfile to dimension-table
dim drop storage dimension-table storage-name Drops storage-name specified in dimension-table
dim get storage dimension-table storage-name Prints schema of the storage-name in dimension-table
dim list partitions dimension-table storage-name Prints list of partitions from storage-name in dimension-table
dim drop partitions dimension-table storage-name drops all partitions from storage-name in dimension-table
dim add partition dimension-table storage-name part-spec Add a partition specified in part-spec file to storage-name in dimension-table

Lens Fact table Management list
Command Description
show facts print all the fact tables present in the current database
create fact fact-spec storage-spec Creates a new fact table with specification specified in fact-spec file and storage specified in storage-spec file
update fact fact-table fact-spec Updates fact table fact-table as specified in the fact-spec file
drop fact fact-table drops fact table fact-table
describe fact fact-table Prints the Schema and property of fact table fact-table
fact list storage fact-table Prints list of storages associated to a particular fact-table
fact add storage fact-table storage-spec Adds a storage specified in storage-specfile to fact-table
fact drop storage fact-table storage-name Drops storage-name specified in fact-table
fact get storage fact-table storage-name Prints schema of the storage-name in fact-table
fact list partitions fact-table storage-name Prints list of partitions from storage-name in fact-table
fact drop partitions fact-table storage-name drops all partitions from storage-name in fact-table
fact add partition fact-table storage-name part-spec Add a partition specified in part-spec file to storage-name in fact-table

Query Management

This section provides commands for query life cycle - submit, check status, fetch results, kill or list all the queries. Also provides commands for prepare a query, destroy a prepared query and list all prepared queries.

Please note that, character " is used as delimiter by the Spring Shell framework, which is used to build lens cli. So queries which require ", should be prefixed with another double quote. For example query execute cube select id,name from dim_table where name != ""first"", will be parsed as cube select id,name from dim_table where name != "first"

Lens Query management Command
Command Description
query execute sql-text [async] Executes Query specified in sql-text in synchronous manner unless async flag is passed. If async flag is passed then query handle is printed which can be used for query management
query status query-handle Prints the Status of query mentioned in Query Handle
query explain sql-text Prints query execution plan of sql-text
query list Prints list of queries
query kill query-handle Kill the execution of query specified by query-handle
query results query-handle Prints the result of Async query specified by query-handle
prepQuery prepare sql-text Prepares the query and gives a prepare handle
prepQuery explain sql-text Explains and Prepares the query. Prints the query and a prepare handle
prepQuery list Prints list of prepared queries
prepQuery details prepare-handle Prints details of the prepared query
prepQuery execute prepare-handle [async] Submits the prepared query for execution. If async flag is passed then query handle is printed which can be used for query management. Otherwise, results will be shown on the CLI
prepQuery destroy prepare-handle Destroys the prepared query