--- NEW WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT --- 1. To convert xdocs templates to the markdown format run the following command: mvn clean package 2. To test the new website run the following: mvn clean site:run 3. To generate a PDF document from markdown for each language run: mvn clean site ---- Legacy --- This directory contains the ManifoldCF web site. To update the site, do the following: 1. Modify the site sources in ./src 2. Run "ant make-core-deps" and "ant build" to generate the site in ./build/site. You will need internet access (for downloading dependencies and older MCF releases), and svn 1.7+ installed. 3. Review the site by opening ./build/site/index.html. 4. Commit the changes. 5. To publish the site, perform the following steps, which require Python 2.6+: (a) Check out the site image at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/lcf/site/publish to a place of your choice, e.g. "svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/lcf/site/publish ../publish" (b) Run the following script: python ./scripts/update-site.py ./build/site e.g. python ./scripts/update-site.py ./build/site ../publish" 6. The site will be mirrored from the svn image on a schedule by a cron job, currently owned by kwright.