Includes things that should not be distributed with the pom.xml file, such as developer identity, along with local settings, like proxy information.
The default location for the settings file is ~/.m2/settings.xml
An XSD is available at:
, Proxy
and Server
field to null
public void flushActiveProxy()
this.activeProxy = null;
* @return the first active proxy
public synchronized Proxy getActiveProxy()
if(activeProxy == null)
java.util.List proxies = getProxies();
if ( proxies != null && !proxies.isEmpty() )
for ( java.util.Iterator it = proxies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Proxy proxy = (Proxy);
if ( proxy.isActive() )
activeProxy = proxy;
return activeProxy;
public Server getServer( String serverId )
Server match = null;
java.util.List servers = getServers();
if ( servers != null && serverId != null )
for ( java.util.Iterator it = servers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Server server = (Server);
if ( serverId.equals( server.getId() ) )
match = server;
return match;
public Mirror getMirrorOf( String repositoryId )
Mirror match = null;
java.util.List mirrors = getMirrors();
if ( mirrors != null && repositoryId != null )
for ( java.util.Iterator it = mirrors.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Mirror mirror = (Mirror);
if ( repositoryId.equals( mirror.getMirrorOf() ) )
match = mirror;
return match;
private java.util.Map profileMap;
* Reset the profileMap
field to null
public void flushProfileMap()
this.profileMap = null;
* @return a Map of profiles field with Profile#getId()
as key
* @see org.apache.maven.settings.Profile#getId()
public java.util.Map getProfilesAsMap()
if ( profileMap == null )
profileMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
if ( getProfiles() != null )
for ( java.util.Iterator it = getProfiles().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Profile profile = (Profile);
profileMap.put( profile.getId(), profile );
return profileMap;
private RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo;
public void setRuntimeInfo( RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo )
this.runtimeInfo = runtimeInfo;
public RuntimeInfo getRuntimeInfo()
return runtimeInfo;