String firstName
String lastName
String name
String initials
String title
String position
String email
String phoneNumber
String faxNumber
String companyName
String street
String city
String postalCode
String country
String state
String coverTitle
String coverSubTitle
String coverVersion
String coverType
Date coverDate
String coverdate
is not set.List<E> authors
String author
String projectName
String projectLogo
String companyName
String companyLogo
String targetFrame
Specifies the name of the default target frame in which to display a document referenced by a hyperlink.
This attribute can have one of the following values:
String title
String author
List<E> authors
String subject
String keywords
List<E> keyWords
String pageSize
String generator
String description
String initialCreator
String creator
String printedBy
Date creationDate
String creationdate
is not
set.Date date
String modifydate
is not set.Date printDate
String printdate
is not set.DocumentTemplate template
DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour hyperlinkBehaviour
String language
long editingCycles
long editingDuration
DocumentStatistic documentStatistic
boolean confidential
boolean draft
String outputName
DocumentMeta meta
DocumentTOC toc
DocumentCover cover
String modelEncoding
long pageCount
long tableCount
long drawCount
long imageCount
long objectCount
long oleObjectCount
long paragraphCount
long wordCount
long characterCount
long rowCount
long frameCount
long sentenceCount
long syllableCount
long nonWhitespaceCharacterCount
String href
String title
Date date
String modifydate
is not set.String name
int depth
List<E> items
String name
String ref
boolean collapse
List<E> items
String fileName
int lineNumber
int columnNumber
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