All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for this Plugin.
Scripting support for Mojos is deprecated and is planned to be removed in Maven 4.0
Inject any plugin-specific artifact metadata to the project's artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment.
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Used to configure injection of Plexus components by MavenPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo(...).
A reference to a plexus component, assumed to be available to the plugin container.
Interface for processing plugin descriptor values (prior to serialization)
Mojo scanner with java annotations.
Default implementation of PluginToolsRequest, which is used to pass parameters to components used to extract MojoDescriptor instances from different types of metadata for a given plugin.
Generate a plugin descriptor.
Wrapper around regular Parameter which adds capability to read/write a type javadoc URL
Reads enhanced plugin.xml files as generated by PluginDescriptorFilesGenerator and used by PluginReport.
Used if your Mojo needs to fork a lifecycle.
Extensions to MojoDescriptor not supported by Maven 3.2.5.
Extensions to PluginDescriptor not supported by Maven 3.2.5.
Wrap errors when extraction exception occurred.
Wraps a fully qualified (and resolved) code reference used in javadoc tags see, link and linkplain.
The type of the member part of the reference.
Generate something, for instance a plugin report, from a plugin descriptor.
Convenience methods to play with Maven plugins.
Group key: defines "grouping" for descriptor (based on source of extraction) and rank within group.
Metadata for the group directory of the repository.
Generates a HelpMojo class.
Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Display help information on maven-plugin-report-plugin.
Call mvn plugin-report:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Replaces (X)HTML content by plain text equivalent.
Component instantiation strategy.
JavaMojoDescriptorExtractor, a MojoDescriptor extractor to read descriptors from java classes with annotations.
ConverterContext based on QDox's JavaClass and JavaProjectBuilder.
Converts a given javadoc block taglet to HTML.
Converts a Javadoc block tag to HTML format.
Replaces inline javadoc taglets by their according XHTML representation.
Converts a Javadoc inline tag to HTML format.
Generates links for elements (packages, classes, fields, constructors, methods) in external and/or an internal (potentially not yet existing) javadoc site.
Javadoc tool version ranges whose generated sites expose different link formats.
List of all Javadoc annotations used to describe a java Mojo.
Describes a code reference used in javadoc tags see, link and linkplain.
Extracts Mojo descriptors from Java source javadoc comments only.
A sub-process execution of a lifecycle to satisfy the needs of a mojo.
Utility methods for dealing with links generated from Javadoc tags.
This annotation will mark your class as a Mojo (ie.
Mojo descriptor definition.
Visitor for annotations.
Visitor for Mojo classes.
Visitors for fields.
Method visitor.
Common interface for field and method visitors.
Used to configure your Mojo parameters to be injected by MavenPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo(...).
A parameter used by a mojo, and configurable from the command line or POM configuration sections.
Serializes a standard Maven Plugin Descriptor XML file a descriptor containing a limited set of attributes for PluginHelpGenerator an enhanced descriptor containing HTML values for some elements (instead of plain text as for the other two) for PluginXdocGenerator from a given in-memory descriptor.
Generates an HelpMojo class from help-class-source.vm template.
Root element of a script-based mojo's plugin metadata bindings.
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Scripting support for mojos is deprecated and is planned tp be removed in maven 4.0
Class PluginMetadataXpp3Reader.
Class PluginMetadataXpp3Writer.
use the maven-plugin-report-plugin instead
Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
Request that encapsulates all information relevant to the process of extracting MojoDescriptor instances from metadata for a certain type of mojo.
Convenience methods to play with Maven plugins.
Generate xdoc documentation for each mojo.
will be removed in the next major version
Plugin requirements history.
Dependencies resolution scopes available before mojo execution.