CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.6.1.


File Line
org/apache/maven/plugins/checkstyle/AbstractCheckstyleReport.java 581
org/apache/maven/plugins/checkstyle/CheckstyleViolationCheckMojo.java 813
    private List<Artifact> collectArtifacts( String hint )
        List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();

        PluginManagement pluginManagement = project.getBuild().getPluginManagement();
        if ( pluginManagement != null )
            artifacts.addAll( getCheckstylePluginDependenciesAsArtifacts( pluginManagement.getPluginsAsMap(), hint ) );

        artifacts.addAll( getCheckstylePluginDependenciesAsArtifacts( project.getBuild().getPluginsAsMap(), hint ) );

        return artifacts;

    private List<Artifact> getCheckstylePluginDependenciesAsArtifacts( Map<String, Plugin> plugins, String hint )
        List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
        Plugin checkstylePlugin = plugins.get( plugin.getGroupId() + ":" + plugin.getArtifactId() );
        if ( checkstylePlugin != null )
            for ( Dependency dep : checkstylePlugin.getDependencies() )
             // @todo if we can filter on hints, it should be done here...
                String depKey = dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId();
                artifacts.add( (Artifact) plugin.getArtifactMap().get( depKey ) );
        return artifacts;