Aggregating Javadocs For Multi-Projects

For example, consider the following directory structure:

  |-- pom.xml
  |-- Module1
  |   `-- pom.xml
  |   `-- Module 2
  |       `-- pom.xml
  |   `-- Module 3
  |       `-- pom.xml
  |-- Module4
  |   `-- pom.xml
  `-- Module5
    `-- pom.xml

Since 3.1.0 the aggregate has changed a little bit. It'll generate aggregated reports at every level. To get only an aggregated project at root level, you need to configure the pom like:


Using The aggregate Goals

The <aggregate/> parameter doesn't include generate source directories defined using the build-helper:add-source. In this case, you need to use the aggregate goal and test-aggregate goals. You could define these goals in the <build/> element (using the <execution/> tag) or <reporting/> element (using the <reportSet/> tag) as shown below. For more information, refer to the Selective Javadocs Reports page.

          <!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
              <!-- Specific configuration for the aggregate report -->
          <!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
              <!-- Specific configuration for the non aggregate report -->
              <!-- Specific configuration for the aggregate report -->

Aggregating Javadocs For Modularized projects

Since Java 9 it is possible to add module descriptors to your projects, which can have an impact on the generated reports. Be aware that is not possible to have a mixture of named and unnamed modules. Ideally every Maven module has a Java module descriptor, but this is not always possible, e.g. due to split packages of dependencies. In such case you must have a jar containing a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF with an entry for the Automatic-Module-Name. In other words: ensure to call package javadoc:aggregate, because the manifest file is only being read from jar, not from directory.


Occasionally, automatic modules need to import named modules. For example,

        error: package org.w3c.dom is not visible
        (package org.w3c.dom is declared in module java.xml, but module foobar does not read it)

can be solved by adding the relevant --add-modules options to the plugin configuration:


The Javadoc plugin contains several aggregate goals to be use with an aggregator project. Here is the full list of all aggregate goals: