Class XmlAppendingTransformer

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlAppendingTransformer

        public XmlAppendingTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • canTransformResource

        public boolean canTransformResource​(String r)
      • processResource

        public void processResource​(String resource,
                                    InputStream is,
                                    List<Relocator> relocators,
                                    long time)
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ReproducibleResourceTransformer
        Transform an individual resource
        resource - The resource name
        is - An input stream for the resource, the implementation should *not* close this stream
        relocators - A list of relocators
        time - the time of the resource to process
        IOException - When the IO blows up
      • hasTransformedResource

        public boolean hasTransformedResource()