Serialized Form

  • Package org.apache.maven.api.model

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Activation

      class Activation extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activeByDefault
          boolean activeByDefault
          If set to true, this profile will be active unless another profile in this pom is activated using the command line -P option or by one of that profile's activators.
        • activeByDefaultLocation
          InputLocation activeByDefaultLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field activeByDefault.
        • file
          ActivationFile file
          Specifies that this profile will be activated based on existence of a file.
        • fileLocation
          InputLocation fileLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field file.
        • jdk
          String jdk
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when a matching JDK is detected. For example, 1.4 only activates on JDKs versioned 1.4, while !1.4 matches any JDK that is not version 1.4. Ranges are supported too: [1.5,) activates when the JDK is 1.5 minimum.
        • jdkLocation
          InputLocation jdkLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field jdk.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • os
          ActivationOS os
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when matching operating system attributes are detected.
        • osLocation
          InputLocation osLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field os.
        • property
          ActivationProperty property
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when this property is specified.
        • propertyLocation
          InputLocation propertyLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field property.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ActivationFile

      class ActivationFile extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • exists
          String exists
          The name of the file that must exist to activate the profile.
        • existsLocation
          InputLocation existsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field exists.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • missing
          String missing
          The name of the file that must be missing to activate the profile.
        • missingLocation
          InputLocation missingLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field missing.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ActivationOS

      class ActivationOS extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • arch
          String arch
          The architecture of the operating system to be used to activate the profile.
        • archLocation
          InputLocation archLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field arch.
        • family
          String family
          The general family of the OS to be used to activate the profile, such as windows or unix.
        • familyLocation
          InputLocation familyLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field family.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The name of the operating system to be used to activate the profile. This must be an exact match of the ${} Java property, such as Windows XP.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • version
          String version
          The version of the operating system to be used to activate the profile.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ActivationProperty

      class ActivationProperty extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The name of the property to be used to activate a profile.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • value
          String value
          The value of the property required to activate a profile.
        • valueLocation
          InputLocation valueLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field value.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Build

      class Build extends BuildBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • extensions
          List<Extension> extensions
          A set of build extensions to use from this project.
        • extensionsLocation
          InputLocation extensionsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field extensions.
        • outputDirectory
          String outputDirectory
          The directory where compiled application classes are placed. The default value is target/classes.
        • outputDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation outputDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field outputDirectory.
        • scriptSourceDirectory
          String scriptSourceDirectory
          This element specifies a directory containing the script sources of the project. This directory is meant to be different from the sourceDirectory, in that its contents will be copied to the output directory in most cases (since scripts are interpreted rather than compiled). The default value is src/main/scripts.
        • scriptSourceDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation scriptSourceDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field scriptSourceDirectory.
        • sourceDirectory
          String sourceDirectory
          This element specifies a directory containing the source of the project. The generated build system will compile the sources from this directory when the project is built. The path given is relative to the project descriptor. The default value is src/main/java.
        • sourceDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation sourceDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field sourceDirectory.
        • testOutputDirectory
          String testOutputDirectory
          The directory where compiled test classes are placed. The default value is target/test-classes.
        • testOutputDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation testOutputDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field testOutputDirectory.
        • testSourceDirectory
          String testSourceDirectory
          This element specifies a directory containing the unit test source of the project. The generated build system will compile these directories when the project is being tested. The path given is relative to the project descriptor. The default value is src/test/java.
        • testSourceDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation testSourceDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field testSourceDirectory.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.BuildBase

      class BuildBase extends PluginConfiguration implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • defaultGoal
          String defaultGoal
          The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) to execute when none is specified for the project. Note that in case of a multi-module build, only the default goal of the top-level project is relevant, i.e. the default goals of child modules are ignored. Since Maven 3, multiple goals/phases can be separated by whitespace.
        • defaultGoalLocation
          InputLocation defaultGoalLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field defaultGoal.
        • directory
          String directory
          The directory where all files generated by the build are placed. The default value is target.
        • directoryLocation
          InputLocation directoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field directory.
        • filters
          List<String> filters
          The list of filter properties files that are used when filtering is enabled.
        • filtersLocation
          InputLocation filtersLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field filters.
        • finalName
          String finalName
          The filename (excluding the extension, and with no path information) that the produced artifact will be called. The default value is ${artifactId}-${version}.
        • finalNameLocation
          InputLocation finalNameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field finalName.
        • resources
          List<Resource> resources
          This element describes all of the classpath resources such as properties files associated with a project. These resources are often included in the final package. The default value is src/main/resources.
        • resourcesLocation
          InputLocation resourcesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field resources.
        • testResources
          List<Resource> testResources
          This element describes all of the classpath resources such as properties files associated with a project's unit tests. The default value is src/test/resources.
        • testResourcesLocation
          InputLocation testResourcesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field testResources.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.CiManagement

      class CiManagement extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • notifiers
          List<Notifier> notifiers
          Configuration for notifying developers/users when a build is unsuccessful, including user information and notification mode.
        • notifiersLocation
          InputLocation notifiersLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field notifiers.
        • system
          String system
          The name of the continuous integration system, e.g. continuum.
        • systemLocation
          InputLocation systemLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field system.
        • url
          String url
          URL for the continuous integration system used by the project if it has a web interface.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ConfigurationContainer

      class ConfigurationContainer extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • configuration
          XmlNode configuration

          The configuration as DOM object.

          By default, every element content is trimmed, but starting with Maven 3.1.0, you can add xml:space="preserve" to elements you want to preserve whitespace.

          You can control how child POMs inherit configuration from parent POMs by adding combine.children or combine.self attributes to the children of the configuration element:

          • combine.children: available values are merge (default) and append,
          • combine.self: available values are merge (default) and override.

          See POM Reference documentation and Xpp3DomUtils for more information.

        • configurationLocation
          InputLocation configurationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field configuration.
        • inherited
          String inherited
          Whether any configuration should be propagated to child POMs. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is true.
        • inheritedLocation
          InputLocation inheritedLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field inherited.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Contributor

      class Contributor extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • email
          String email
          The email address of the contributor.
        • emailLocation
          InputLocation emailLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field email.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The full name of the contributor.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • organization
          String organization
          The organization to which the contributor belongs.
        • organizationLocation
          InputLocation organizationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field organization.
        • organizationUrl
          String organizationUrl
          The URL of the organization.
        • organizationUrlLocation
          InputLocation organizationUrlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field organizationUrl.
        • properties
          Map<String,String> properties
          Properties about the contributor, such as an instant messenger handle.
        • propertiesLocation
          InputLocation propertiesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field properties.
        • roles
          List<String> roles
          The roles the contributor plays in the project. Each role is described by a role element, the body of which is a role name. This can also be used to describe the contribution.
        • rolesLocation
          InputLocation rolesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field roles.
        • timezone
          String timezone
          The timezone the contributor is in. Typically, this is a number in the range -12 to +14 or a valid time zone id like "America/Montreal" (UTC-05:00) or "Europe/Paris" (UTC+01:00).
        • timezoneLocation
          InputLocation timezoneLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field timezone.
        • url
          String url
          The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Dependency

      class Dependency extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g. maven-artifact.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • classifier
          String classifier
          The classifier of the dependency. It is appended to the filename after the version. This allows:
          • referring to attached artifact, for example sources and javadoc: see default artifact handlers for a list,
          • distinguishing two artifacts that belong to the same POM but were built differently. For example, jdk14 and jdk15.
        • classifierLocation
          InputLocation classifierLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field classifier.
        • exclusions
          List<Exclusion> exclusions
          Lists a set of artifacts that should be excluded from this dependency's artifact list when it comes to calculating transitive dependencies.
        • exclusionsLocation
          InputLocation exclusionsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field exclusions.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The project group that produced the dependency, e.g. org.apache.maven.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • managementKey
          String managementKey
        • optional
          String optional
          Indicates the dependency is optional for use of this library. While the version of the dependency will be taken into account for dependency calculation if the library is used elsewhere, it will not be passed on transitively. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is false.
        • optionalLocation
          InputLocation optionalLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field optional.
        • scope
          String scope
          The scope of the dependency - compile, runtime, test, system, and provided. Used to calculate the various classpaths used for compilation, testing, and so on. It also assists in determining which artifacts to include in a distribution of this project. For more information, see the dependency mechanism. The default scope is compile.
        • scopeLocation
          InputLocation scopeLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field scope.
        • systemPath
          String systemPath
          FOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of this property is discouraged and may be replaced in later versions. This specifies the path on the filesystem for this dependency. Requires an absolute path for the value, not relative. Use a property that gives the machine specific absolute path, e.g. ${java.home}.
        • systemPathLocation
          InputLocation systemPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field systemPath.
        • type
          String type
          The type of dependency, that will be mapped to a file extension, an optional classifier, and a few other attributes. Some examples are jar, war, ejb-client and test-jar: see default artifact handlers for a list. New types can be defined by extensions, so this is not a complete list.
        • typeLocation
          InputLocation typeLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field type.
        • version
          String version
          The version of the dependency, e.g. 3.2.1. In Maven 2, this can also be specified as a range of versions.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.DependencyManagement

      class DependencyManagement extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • dependencies
          List<Dependency> dependencies
          The dependencies specified here are not used until they are referenced in a POM within the group. This allows the specification of a "standard" version for a particular dependency.
        • dependenciesLocation
          InputLocation dependenciesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field dependencies.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.DeploymentRepository

      class DeploymentRepository extends Repository implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • uniqueVersion
          boolean uniqueVersion
          Whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time
        • uniqueVersionLocation
          InputLocation uniqueVersionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field uniqueVersion.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Developer

      class Developer extends Contributor implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.DistributionManagement

      class DistributionManagement extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • downloadUrl
          String downloadUrl
          The URL of the project's download page. If not given users will be referred to the homepage given by url. This is given to assist in locating artifacts that are not in the repository due to licensing restrictions.
        • downloadUrlLocation
          InputLocation downloadUrlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field downloadUrl.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • relocation
          Relocation relocation
          Relocation information of the artifact if it has been moved to a new group ID and/or artifact ID.
        • relocationLocation
          InputLocation relocationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field relocation.
        • repository
          DeploymentRepository repository
          Information needed to deploy the artifacts generated by the project to a remote repository.
        • repositoryLocation
          InputLocation repositoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field repository.
        • site
          Site site
          Information needed for deploying the web site of the project.
        • siteLocation
          InputLocation siteLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field site.
        • snapshotRepository
          DeploymentRepository snapshotRepository
          Where to deploy snapshots of artifacts to. If not given, it defaults to the repository element.
        • snapshotRepositoryLocation
          InputLocation snapshotRepositoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field snapshotRepository.
        • status
          String status
          Gives the status of this artifact in the remote repository. This must not be set in your local project, as it is updated by tools placing it in the reposiory. Valid values are: none (default), converted (repository manager converted this from an Maven 1 POM), partner (directly synced from a partner Maven 2 repository), deployed (was deployed from a Maven 2 instance), verified (has been hand verified as correct and final).
        • statusLocation
          InputLocation statusLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field status.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Exclusion

      class Exclusion extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The artifact ID of the project to exclude.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group ID of the project to exclude.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Extension

      class Extension extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The artifact ID of the extension.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group ID of the extension's artifact.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • version
          String version
          The version of the extension.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.FileSet

      class FileSet extends PatternSet implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • directory
          String directory
          Describe the directory where the resources are stored. The path is relative to the POM.
        • directoryLocation
          InputLocation directoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field directory.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.InputLocation

      class InputLocation extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.InputSource

      class InputSource extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.IssueManagement

      class IssueManagement extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • system
          String system
          The name of the issue management system, e.g. Bugzilla
        • systemLocation
          InputLocation systemLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field system.
        • url
          String url
          URL for the issue management system used by the project.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.License

      class License extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • comments
          String comments
          Addendum information pertaining to this license.
        • commentsLocation
          InputLocation commentsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field comments.
        • distribution
          String distribution
          The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
          may be downloaded from the Maven repository
          user must manually download and install the dependency.
        • distributionLocation
          InputLocation distributionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field distribution.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The full legal name of the license.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • url
          String url
          The official url for the license text.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.MailingList

      class MailingList extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • archive
          String archive
          The link to a URL where you can browse the mailing list archive.
        • archiveLocation
          InputLocation archiveLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field archive.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The name of the mailing list.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • otherArchives
          List<String> otherArchives
          The link to alternate URLs where you can browse the list archive.
        • otherArchivesLocation
          InputLocation otherArchivesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field otherArchives.
        • post
          String post
          The email address or link that can be used to post to the mailing list. If this is an email address, a mailto: link will automatically be created when the documentation is created.
        • postLocation
          InputLocation postLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field post.
        • subscribe
          String subscribe
          The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list. If this is an email address, a mailto: link will automatically be created when the documentation is created.
        • subscribeLocation
          InputLocation subscribeLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field subscribe.
        • unsubscribe
          String unsubscribe
          The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to the mailing list. If this is an email address, a mailto: link will automatically be created when the documentation is created.
        • unsubscribeLocation
          InputLocation unsubscribeLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field unsubscribe.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Model

      class Model extends ModelBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID. An artifact is something that is either produced or used by a project. Examples of artifacts produced by Maven for a project include: JARs, source and binary distributions, and WARs.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • build
          Build build
          Information required to build the project.
        • buildLocation
          InputLocation buildLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field build.
        • childProjectUrlInheritAppendPath
          String childProjectUrlInheritAppendPath
          When children inherit from project's url, append path or not? Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean
          Default value is: true
          Since: Maven 3.6.1
        • childProjectUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          InputLocation childProjectUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field childProjectUrlInheritAppendPath.
        • ciManagement
          CiManagement ciManagement
          The project's continuous integration information.
        • ciManagementLocation
          InputLocation ciManagementLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field ciManagement.
        • contributors
          List<Contributor> contributors
          Describes the contributors to a project that are not yet committers.
        • contributorsLocation
          InputLocation contributorsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field contributors.
        • description
          String description
          A detailed description of the project, used by Maven whenever it needs to describe the project, such as on the web site. While this element can be specified as CDATA to enable the use of HTML tags within the description, it is discouraged to allow plain text representation. If you need to modify the index page of the generated web site, you are able to specify your own instead of adjusting this text.
        • descriptionLocation
          InputLocation descriptionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field description.
        • developers
          List<Developer> developers
          Describes the committers of a project.
        • developersLocation
          InputLocation developersLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field developers.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          A universally unique identifier for a project. It is normal to use a fully-qualified package name to distinguish it from other projects with a similar name (eg. org.apache.maven).
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • inceptionYear
          String inceptionYear
          The year of the project's inception, specified with 4 digits. This value is used when generating copyright notices as well as being informational.
        • inceptionYearLocation
          InputLocation inceptionYearLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field inceptionYear.
        • issueManagement
          IssueManagement issueManagement
          The project's issue management system information.
        • issueManagementLocation
          InputLocation issueManagementLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field issueManagement.
        • licenses
          List<License> licenses
          This element describes all of the licenses for this project. Each license is described by a license element, which is then described by additional elements. Projects should only list the license(s) that applies to the project and not the licenses that apply to dependencies. If multiple licenses are listed, it is assumed that the user can select any of them, not that they must accept all.
        • licensesLocation
          InputLocation licensesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field licenses.
        • mailingLists
          List<MailingList> mailingLists
          Contains information about a project's mailing lists.
        • mailingListsLocation
          InputLocation mailingListsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field mailingLists.
        • modelEncoding
          String modelEncoding
        • modelVersion
          String modelVersion
          Declares to which version of project descriptor this POM conforms.
        • modelVersionLocation
          InputLocation modelVersionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field modelVersion.
        • name
          String name
          The full name of the project.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • organization
          Organization organization
          This element describes various attributes of the organization to which the project belongs. These attributes are utilized when documentation is created (for copyright notices and links).
        • organizationLocation
          InputLocation organizationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field organization.
        • packaging
          String packaging
          The type of artifact this project produces, for example jar war ear pom. Plugins can create their own packaging, and therefore their own packaging types, so this list does not contain all possible types.
        • packagingLocation
          InputLocation packagingLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field packaging.
        • parent
          Parent parent
          The location of the parent project, if one exists. Values from the parent project will be the default for this project if they are left unspecified. The location is given as a group ID, artifact ID and version.
        • parentLocation
          InputLocation parentLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field parent.
        • pomFile
          Path pomFile
          Originating POM file
        • pomFileLocation
          InputLocation pomFileLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field pomFile.
        • prerequisites
          Prerequisites prerequisites
          Describes the prerequisites in the build environment for this project.
        • prerequisitesLocation
          InputLocation prerequisitesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field prerequisites.
        • profiles
          List<Profile> profiles
          A listing of project-local build profiles which will modify the build process when activated.
        • profilesLocation
          InputLocation profilesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field profiles.
        • scm
          Scm scm
          Specification for the SCM used by the project, such as CVS, Subversion, etc.
        • scmLocation
          InputLocation scmLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field scm.
        • url
          String url
          The URL to the project's homepage.
          Default value is: parent value [+ path adjustment] + (artifactId or property), or just parent value if project's child.project.url.inherit.append.path="false"
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
        • version
          String version
          The current version of the artifact produced by this project.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ModelBase

      class ModelBase extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • dependencies
          List<Dependency> dependencies
          This element describes all of the dependencies associated with a project. These dependencies are used to construct a classpath for your project during the build process. They are automatically downloaded from the repositories defined in this project. See the dependency mechanism for more information.
        • dependenciesLocation
          InputLocation dependenciesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field dependencies.
        • dependencyManagement
          DependencyManagement dependencyManagement
          Default dependency information for projects that inherit from this one. The dependencies in this section are not immediately resolved. Instead, when a POM derived from this one declares a dependency described by a matching groupId and artifactId, the version and other values from this section are used for that dependency if they were not already specified.
        • dependencyManagementLocation
          InputLocation dependencyManagementLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field dependencyManagement.
        • distributionManagement
          DistributionManagement distributionManagement
          Distribution information for a project that enables deployment of the site and artifacts to remote web servers and repositories respectively.
        • distributionManagementLocation
          InputLocation distributionManagementLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field distributionManagement.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • modules
          List<String> modules
          The modules (sometimes called subprojects) to build as a part of this project. Each module listed is a relative path to the directory containing the module. To be consistent with the way default urls are calculated from parent, it is recommended to have module names match artifact ids.
        • modulesLocation
          InputLocation modulesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field modules.
        • pluginRepositories
          List<Repository> pluginRepositories
          The lists of the remote repositories for discovering plugins for builds and reports.
        • pluginRepositoriesLocation
          InputLocation pluginRepositoriesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field pluginRepositories.
        • properties
          Map<String,String> properties
          Properties that can be used throughout the POM as a substitution, and are used as filters in resources if enabled. The format is <name>value</name>.
        • propertiesLocation
          InputLocation propertiesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field properties.
        • reporting
          Reporting reporting
          This element includes the specification of report plugins to use to generate the reports on the Maven-generated site. These reports will be run when a user executes mvn site. All of the reports will be included in the navigation bar for browsing.
        • reportingLocation
          InputLocation reportingLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field reporting.
        • repositories
          List<Repository> repositories
          The lists of the remote repositories for discovering dependencies and extensions.
        • repositoriesLocation
          InputLocation repositoriesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field repositories.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Notifier

      class Notifier extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • address
          String address
          Deprecated. Where to send the notification to - eg email address.
        • addressLocation
          InputLocation addressLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field address.
        • configuration
          Map<String,String> configuration
          Extended configuration specific to this notifier goes here.
        • configurationLocation
          InputLocation configurationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field configuration.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • sendOnError
          boolean sendOnError
          Whether to send notifications on error.
        • sendOnErrorLocation
          InputLocation sendOnErrorLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field sendOnError.
        • sendOnFailure
          boolean sendOnFailure
          Whether to send notifications on failure.
        • sendOnFailureLocation
          InputLocation sendOnFailureLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field sendOnFailure.
        • sendOnSuccess
          boolean sendOnSuccess
          Whether to send notifications on success.
        • sendOnSuccessLocation
          InputLocation sendOnSuccessLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field sendOnSuccess.
        • sendOnWarning
          boolean sendOnWarning
          Whether to send notifications on warning.
        • sendOnWarningLocation
          InputLocation sendOnWarningLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field sendOnWarning.
        • type
          String type
          The mechanism used to deliver notifications.
        • typeLocation
          InputLocation typeLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field type.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Organization

      class Organization extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          The full name of the organization.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • url
          String url
          The URL to the organization's home page.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Parent

      class Parent extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The artifact id of the parent project to inherit from.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group id of the parent project to inherit from.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • relativePath
          String relativePath
          The relative path of the parent pom.xml file within the check out. If not specified, it defaults to ../pom.xml. Maven looks for the parent POM first in this location on the filesystem, then the local repository, and lastly in the remote repo. relativePath allows you to select a different location, for example when your structure is flat, or deeper without an intermediate parent POM. However, the group ID, artifact ID and version are still required, and must match the file in the location given or it will revert to the repository for the POM. This feature is only for enhancing the development in a local checkout of that project. Set the value to an empty string in case you want to disable the feature and always resolve the parent POM from the repositories.
        • relativePathLocation
          InputLocation relativePathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field relativePath.
        • version
          String version
          The version of the parent project to inherit.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.PatternSet

      class PatternSet extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • excludes
          List<String> excludes
          A list of patterns to exclude, e.g. **&#47;*.xml
        • excludesLocation
          InputLocation excludesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field excludes.
        • includes
          List<String> includes
          A list of patterns to include, e.g. **&#47;*.xml.
        • includesLocation
          InputLocation includesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field includes.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Plugin

      class Plugin extends ConfigurationContainer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The artifact ID of the plugin in the repository.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • dependencies
          List<Dependency> dependencies
          Additional dependencies that this project needs to introduce to the plugin's classloader.
        • dependenciesLocation
          InputLocation dependenciesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field dependencies.
        • executionMap
          Map<String,PluginExecution> executionMap
        • executions
          List<PluginExecution> executions
          Multiple specifications of a set of goals to execute during the build lifecycle, each having (possibly) a different configuration.
        • executionsLocation
          InputLocation executionsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field executions.
        • extensions
          String extensions
          Whether to load Maven extensions (such as packaging and type handlers) from this plugin. For performance reasons, this should only be enabled when necessary. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is false.
        • extensionsLocation
          InputLocation extensionsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field extensions.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group ID of the plugin in the repository.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • version
          String version
          The version (or valid range of versions) of the plugin to be used.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.PluginConfiguration

      class PluginConfiguration extends PluginContainer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • pluginManagement
          PluginManagement pluginManagement
          Default plugin information to be made available for reference by projects derived from this one. This plugin configuration will not be resolved or bound to the lifecycle unless referenced. Any local configuration for a given plugin will override the plugin's entire definition here.
        • pluginManagementLocation
          InputLocation pluginManagementLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field pluginManagement.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.PluginContainer

      class PluginContainer extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.PluginExecution

      class PluginExecution extends ConfigurationContainer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • goals
          List<String> goals
          The goals to execute with the given configuration.
        • goalsLocation
          InputLocation goalsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field goals.
        • id
          String id
          The identifier of this execution for labelling the goals during the build, and for matching executions to merge during inheritance and profile injection.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
        • phase
          String phase
          The build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this execution to. If omitted, the goals will be bound to the default phase specified by the plugin.
        • phaseLocation
          InputLocation phaseLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field phase.
        • priority
          int priority
          The priority of this execution compared to other executions which are bound to the same phase. Warning: This is an internal utility property that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part of the public API. In particular, this property can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
        • priorityLocation
          InputLocation priorityLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field priority.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.PluginManagement

      class PluginManagement extends PluginContainer implements Serializable
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Prerequisites

      class Prerequisites extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • maven
          String maven
          For a plugin project (packaging is maven-plugin), the minimum version of Maven required to use the resulting plugin.
          In Maven 2, this was also specifying the minimum version of Maven required to build a project, but this usage is deprecated in Maven 3 and not checked any more: use the Maven Enforcer Plugin's requireMavenVersion rule instead.
        • mavenLocation
          InputLocation mavenLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field maven.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Profile

      class Profile extends ModelBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activation
          Activation activation
          The conditional logic which will automatically trigger the inclusion of this profile.
        • activationLocation
          InputLocation activationLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field activation.
        • build
          BuildBase build
          Information required to build the project.
        • buildLocation
          InputLocation buildLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field build.
        • id
          String id
          The identifier of this build profile. This is used for command line activation, and identifies profiles to be merged.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
        • source
          String source
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Relocation

      class Relocation extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The new artifact ID of the artifact.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group ID the artifact has moved to.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • message
          String message
          An additional message to show the user about the move, such as the reason.
        • messageLocation
          InputLocation messageLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field message.
        • version
          String version
          The new version of the artifact.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Reporting

      class Reporting extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • excludeDefaults
          String excludeDefaults
          If true, then the default reports are not included in the site generation. This includes the reports in the "Project Info" menu. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is false.
        • excludeDefaultsLocation
          InputLocation excludeDefaultsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field excludeDefaults.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • outputDirectory
          String outputDirectory
          Where to store all of the generated reports. The default is ${}/site.
        • outputDirectoryLocation
          InputLocation outputDirectoryLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field outputDirectory.
        • plugins
          List<ReportPlugin> plugins
          The reporting plugins to use and their configuration.
        • pluginsLocation
          InputLocation pluginsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field plugins.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ReportPlugin

      class ReportPlugin extends ConfigurationContainer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • artifactId
          String artifactId
          The artifact ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
        • artifactIdLocation
          InputLocation artifactIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field artifactId.
        • groupId
          String groupId
          The group ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
        • groupIdLocation
          InputLocation groupIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field groupId.
        • reportSetMap
          Map<String,ReportSet> reportSetMap
        • reportSets
          List<ReportSet> reportSets
          Multiple specifications of a set of reports, each having (possibly) different configuration. This is the reporting parallel to an execution in the build.
        • reportSetsLocation
          InputLocation reportSetsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field reportSets.
        • version
          String version
          The version of the reporting plugin to be used. Starting with Maven 3, if no version is defined explicitly, version is searched in build/plugins then in build/pluginManagement.
        • versionLocation
          InputLocation versionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field version.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.ReportSet

      class ReportSet extends ConfigurationContainer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          The unique id for this report set, to be used during POM inheritance and profile injection for merging of report sets.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
        • reports
          List<String> reports
          The list of reports from this plugin which should be generated from this set.
        • reportsLocation
          InputLocation reportsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field reports.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Repository

      class Repository extends RepositoryBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • releases
          RepositoryPolicy releases
          How to handle downloading of releases from this repository.
        • releasesLocation
          InputLocation releasesLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field releases.
        • snapshots
          RepositoryPolicy snapshots
          How to handle downloading of snapshots from this repository.
        • snapshotsLocation
          InputLocation snapshotsLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field snapshots.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.RepositoryBase

      class RepositoryBase extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          A unique identifier for a repository. This is used to match the repository to configuration in the settings.xml file, for example. Furthermore, the identifier is used during POM inheritance and profile injection to detect repositories that should be merged.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
        • layout
          String layout
          The type of layout this repository uses for locating and storing artifacts - can be legacy or default.
        • layoutLocation
          InputLocation layoutLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field layout.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          Human readable name of the repository.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • url
          String url
          The url of the repository, in the form protocol://hostname/path.
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.RepositoryPolicy

      class RepositoryPolicy extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • checksumPolicy
          String checksumPolicy
          What to do when verification of an artifact checksum fails. Valid values are ignore, fail (default for Maven 4 and above) or warn (default for Maven 2 and 3)
        • checksumPolicyLocation
          InputLocation checksumPolicyLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field checksumPolicy.
        • enabled
          String enabled
          Whether to use this repository for downloading this type of artifact. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is true.
        • enabledLocation
          InputLocation enabledLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field enabled.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • updatePolicy
          String updatePolicy
          The frequency for downloading updates - can be always, daily (default), interval:XXX (in minutes) or never (only if it doesn't exist locally).
        • updatePolicyLocation
          InputLocation updatePolicyLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field updatePolicy.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Resource

      class Resource extends FileSet implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • filtering
          String filtering
          Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens with parameterised values or not. The values are taken from the properties element and from the properties in the files listed in the filters element. Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value is false.
        • filteringLocation
          InputLocation filteringLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field filtering.
        • mergeId
          String mergeId
          FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. This is a unique identifier assigned to each resource to allow Maven to merge changes to this resource that take place during the execution of a plugin. This field must be managed by the generated parser and formatter classes in order to allow it to survive model interpolation.
        • mergeIdLocation
          InputLocation mergeIdLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field mergeId.
        • targetPath
          String targetPath
          Describe the resource target path. The path is relative to the target/classes directory (i.e. ${}). For example, if you want that resource to appear in a specific package (org.apache.maven.messages), you must specify this element with this value: org/apache/maven/messages. This is not required if you simply put the resources in that directory structure at the source, however.
        • targetPathLocation
          InputLocation targetPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field targetPath.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Scm

      class Scm extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • childScmConnectionInheritAppendPath
          String childScmConnectionInheritAppendPath
          When children inherit from scm connection, append path or not? Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean
          Default value is: true
          Since: Maven 3.6.1
        • childScmConnectionInheritAppendPathLocation
          InputLocation childScmConnectionInheritAppendPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field childScmConnectionInheritAppendPath.
        • childScmDeveloperConnectionInheritAppendPath
          String childScmDeveloperConnectionInheritAppendPath
          When children inherit from scm developer connection, append path or not? Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean
          Default value is: true
          Since: Maven 3.6.1
        • childScmDeveloperConnectionInheritAppendPathLocation
          InputLocation childScmDeveloperConnectionInheritAppendPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field childScmDeveloperConnectionInheritAppendPath.
        • childScmUrlInheritAppendPath
          String childScmUrlInheritAppendPath
          When children inherit from scm url, append path or not? Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean
          Default value is: true
          Since: Maven 3.6.1
        • childScmUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          InputLocation childScmUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field childScmUrlInheritAppendPath.
        • connection
          String connection
          The source control management system URL that describes the repository and how to connect to the repository. For more information, see the URL format and list of supported SCMs. This connection is read-only.
          Default value is: parent value [+ path adjustment] + (artifactId or property), or just parent value if scm's child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path="false"
        • connectionLocation
          InputLocation connectionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field connection.
        • developerConnection
          String developerConnection
          Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection will not be read only.
          Default value is: parent value [+ path adjustment] + (artifactId or property), or just parent value if scm's child.scm.developerConnection.inherit.append.path="false"
        • developerConnectionLocation
          InputLocation developerConnectionLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field developerConnection.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • tag
          String tag
          The tag of current code. By default, it's set to HEAD during development.
        • tagLocation
          InputLocation tagLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field tag.
        • url
          String url
          The URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, such as ViewVC or Fisheye.
          Default value is: parent value [+ path adjustment] + (artifactId or property), or just parent value if scm's child.scm.url.inherit.append.path="false"
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.model.Site

      class Site extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • childSiteUrlInheritAppendPath
          String childSiteUrlInheritAppendPath
          When children inherit from distribution management site url, append path or not? Note: While the type of this field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean
          Default value is: true
          Since: Maven 3.6.1
        • childSiteUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          InputLocation childSiteUrlInheritAppendPathLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field childSiteUrlInheritAppendPath.
        • id
          String id
          A unique identifier for a deployment location. This is used to match the site to configuration in the settings.xml file, for example.
        • idLocation
          InputLocation idLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field id.
        • location
          InputLocation location
          Location of the xml element for this object.
        • locations
          Map<Object,InputLocation> locations
          Other locations
        • name
          String name
          Human readable name of the deployment location.
        • nameLocation
          InputLocation nameLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field name.
        • url
          String url
          The url of the location where website is deployed, in the form protocol://hostname/path.
          Default value is: parent value [+ path adjustment] + (artifactId or property), or just parent value if site's"false"
        • urlLocation
          InputLocation urlLocation
          Location of the xml element for the field url.
  • Package org.apache.maven.api.plugin

  • Package

  • Package

  • Package org.apache.maven.api.settings

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Activation

      class Activation extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activeByDefault
          boolean activeByDefault
          Flag specifying whether this profile is active as a default.
        • file
          ActivationFile file
          Specifies that this profile will be activated based on existence of a file.
        • jdk
          String jdk
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when a matching JDK is detected.
        • os
          ActivationOS os
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when matching OS attributes are detected.
        • property
          ActivationProperty property
          Specifies that this profile will be activated when this property is specified.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.ActivationFile

      class ActivationFile extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • exists
          String exists
          The name of the file that should exist to activate a profile.
        • missing
          String missing
          The name of the file that should be missing to activate a profile.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.ActivationOS

      class ActivationOS extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • arch
          String arch
          The architecture of the OS to be used to activate a profile.
        • family
          String family
          The general family of the OS to be used to activate a profile (e.g. 'windows')
        • name
          String name
          The name of the OS to be used to activate a profile.
        • version
          String version
          The version of the OS to be used to activate a profile.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.ActivationProperty

      class ActivationProperty extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • name
          String name
          The name of the property to be used to activate a profile.
        • value
          String value
          The value of the property to be used to activate a profile.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.IdentifiableBase

      class IdentifiableBase extends TrackableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Mirror

      class Mirror extends IdentifiableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • blocked
          boolean blocked
          Whether this mirror should be blocked from any download request but fail the download process, explaining why.
        • layout
          String layout
          The layout of the mirror repository. Since Maven 3.
        • mirrorOf
          String mirrorOf
          The server ID of the repository being mirrored, e.g., "central". This MUST NOT match the mirror id.
        • mirrorOfLayouts
          String mirrorOfLayouts
          The layouts of repositories being mirrored. This value can be used to restrict the usage of the mirror to repositories with a matching layout (apart from a matching id). Since Maven 3.
        • name
          String name
          The optional name that describes the mirror.
        • url
          String url
          The URL of the mirror repository.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Profile

      class Profile extends IdentifiableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activation
          Activation activation
          The conditional logic which will automatically trigger the inclusion of this profile.
        • pluginRepositories
          List<Repository> pluginRepositories
          The lists of the remote repositories for discovering plugins.
        • properties
          Map<String,String> properties
          Extended configuration specific to this profile goes here. Contents take the form of <>property.value</>
        • repositories
          List<Repository> repositories
          The lists of the remote repositories.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Proxy

      class Proxy extends IdentifiableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • active
          boolean active
          Whether this proxy configuration is the active one.
        • host
          String host
          The proxy host.
        • nonProxyHosts
          String nonProxyHosts
          The list of non-proxied hosts (delimited by |).
        • password
          String password
          The proxy password.
        • port
          int port
          The proxy port.
        • protocol
          String protocol
          The proxy protocol.
        • username
          String username
          The proxy user.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Repository

      class Repository extends RepositoryBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • releases
          RepositoryPolicy releases
          How to handle downloading of releases from this repository
        • snapshots
          RepositoryPolicy snapshots
          How to handle downloading of snapshots from this repository
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.RepositoryBase

      class RepositoryBase extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          A unique identifier for a repository.
        • layout
          String layout
          The type of layout this repository uses for locating and storing artifacts - can be "legacy" or "default".
        • name
          String name
          Human readable name of the repository.
        • url
          String url
          The url of the repository.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.RepositoryPolicy

      class RepositoryPolicy extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • checksumPolicy
          String checksumPolicy
          What to do when verification of an artifact checksum fails. Valid values are "fail" (default for Maven 4 and above), "warn" (default for Maven 2 and 3) or "ignore".
        • enabled
          boolean enabled
          Whether to use this repository for downloading this type of artifact.
        • updatePolicy
          String updatePolicy
          The frequency for downloading updates - can be "always", "daily" (default), "interval:XXX" (in minutes) or "never" (only if it doesn't exist locally).
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Server

      class Server extends IdentifiableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • configuration
          XmlNode configuration
          Extra configuration for the transport layer.
        • directoryPermissions
          String directoryPermissions
          The permissions for directories when they are created.
        • filePermissions
          String filePermissions
          The permissions for files when they are created.
        • passphrase
          String passphrase
          The passphrase used in conjunction with the privateKey to authenticate.
        • password
          String password
          The password used in conjunction with the username to authenticate.
        • privateKey
          String privateKey
          The private key location used to authenticate.
        • username
          String username
          The username used to authenticate.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.Settings

      class Settings extends TrackableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activeProfiles
          List<String> activeProfiles
          List of manually-activated build profiles, specified in the order in which they should be applied.
        • activeProxy
          Proxy activeProxy
        • interactiveMode
          boolean interactiveMode
          Whether Maven should attempt to interact with the user for input.
        • localRepository
          String localRepository
          The local repository.
          Default value is: ${user.home}/.m2/repository
        • mirrors
          List<Mirror> mirrors
          Configuration of download mirrors for repositories.
        • modelEncoding
          String modelEncoding
        • offline
          boolean offline
          Indicate whether maven should operate in offline mode full-time.
        • pluginGroups
          List<String> pluginGroups
          List of groupIds to search for a plugin when that plugin groupId is not explicitly provided.
        • profileMap
          Map<String,Profile> profileMap
        • profiles
          List<Profile> profiles
          Configuration of build profiles for adjusting the build according to environmental parameters.
        • proxies
          List<Proxy> proxies
          Configuration for different proxy profiles. Multiple proxy profiles might come in handy for anyone working from a notebook or other mobile platform, to enable easy switching of entire proxy configurations by simply specifying the profile id, again either from the command line or from the defaults section below.
        • servers
          List<Server> servers
          Configuration of server-specific settings, mainly authentication method. This allows configuration of authentication on a per-server basis.
        • usePluginRegistry
          boolean usePluginRegistry
          Whether Maven should use the plugin-registry.xml file to manage plugin versions.
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.settings.TrackableBase

      class TrackableBase extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • sourceLevel
          String sourceLevel
        • sourceLevelSet
          boolean sourceLevelSet
  • Package org.apache.maven.api.toolchain

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.toolchain.PersistedToolchains

      class PersistedToolchains extends TrackableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

    • Class org.apache.maven.api.toolchain.ToolchainModel

      class ToolchainModel extends TrackableBase implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • configuration
          XmlNode configuration

          Toolchain configuration information, like location or any information that is to be retrieved.

          Actual content structure is completely open: each toolchain type will define its own format and semantics.

          In general, this is a properties format: <name>value</name> with per-toolchain defined properties names.

        • provides
          Map<String,String> provides

          Toolchain identification information, which will be matched against project requirements.

          For Maven 2.0.9 to 3.2.3, the actual content structure was completely open: each toolchain type would define its own format and semantics. In general, this was a properties format.

          Since Maven 3.2.4, the type for this field has been changed to Properties to match the de-facto format.

          Each toolchain defines its own properties names and semantics.

        • type
          String type
          Type of toolchain:
    • Class org.apache.maven.api.toolchain.TrackableBase

      class TrackableBase extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • sourceLevel
          String sourceLevel
        • sourceLevelSet
          boolean sourceLevelSet