All Classes and Interfaces

A skeleton class for artifacts.
A dependency manager support class.
A special repository system session to enable decorating or proxying another session.
A skeleton class for metadata.
A skeleton implementation for custom repository listeners.
A skeleton implementation for custom transfer listeners.
A skeleton implementation for custom transporters.
Named lock support implementation that is using "adapted" semaphore (to be able to use semaphores not sharing common API).
Wrapper for semaphore-like stuff, that do not share common ancestor.
Runs all demos at once.
A dependency filter that combines zero or more other filters using a logical AND.
A dependency selector that combines zero or more other selectors using a logical AND.
A dependency traverser that combines zero or more other traversers using a logical AND.
Configuration for Apache Transport.
A transporter factory for repositories using the http: or https: protocol.
A specific artifact.
Thrown in case of an unreadable or unresolvable artifact descriptor.
Controls the handling of errors related to reading an artifact descriptor.
A query for the error policy for a given artifact's descriptor.
Provides information about an artifact that is relevant to transitive dependency resolution.
A request to read an artifact descriptor.
The result from reading an artifact descriptor.
A download of an artifact from a remote repository.
Thrown when an artifact was filtered from a particular repository.
An artifact generator that participates in the installation/deployment of artifacts.
A factory to create artifact generators.
A utility class for artifact identifiers.
Thrown when an artifact was not found in a particular repository.
An artifact predicate.
A factory to create artifact predicates.
The keys for common properties of artifacts.
A repository hosting artifacts.
A request to resolve an artifact.
Thrown in case of a unresolvable artifacts.
Resolves artifacts, that is gets a local filesystem path to their binary contents.
Artifact resolver post-resolution processor component, is able to hook into resolver and post-process the resolved artifact results, if needed even produce resolution failure.
Support class to implement ArtifactResolverPostProcessor.
The result of an artifact resolution request.
A download/upload of an artifact.
Thrown when an artifact could not be uploaded/downloaded to/from a particular remote repository.
An artifact type describing artifact characteristics/properties that are common for certain artifacts.
A registry of known artifact types.
An upload of an artifact to a remote repository.
The authentication to use for accessing a protected resource.
A utility class to build authentication info for repositories and proxies.
A glorified map of key value pairs holding (cleartext) authentication data.
A helper to calculate a fingerprint/digest for the authentication data of a repository/proxy.
Selects authentication for a given remote repository.
Wrapping NameMapper class that is file system friendly: it wraps another NameMapper and resolves the resulting "file system friendly" names against local repository basedir.
The configuration keys for BasicRepositoryConnector.
A repository connector factory that employs pluggable transporters and repository layouts for the transfers.
Breadth-first DependencyCollector
A helper to boot the repository system and a repository system session.
Label for "build path", like "compile", "runtime", etc.
Build scope is certain combination of ProjectPath and BuildPath.
Generic matrix generator for ProjectPath and BuildPath combinations (all of them).
Build scope query.
Build scope source.
A short-lived artifact type registry that caches results from a presumably slower type registry.
A dependency graph transformer that chains other transformers.
A local repository manager that chains multiple local repository managers: it directs all the write operations to chain head, while uses tail for ChainedLocalRepositoryManager.find(RepositorySystemSession, LocalArtifactRequest) and ChainedLocalRepositoryManager.find(RepositorySystemSession, LocalMetadataRequest) methods only.
A repository listener that delegates to zero or more other listeners (multicast).
A transfer listener that delegates to zero or more other listeners (multicast).
A version filter that combines multiple version filters into a chain where each filter gets invoked one after the other, thereby accumulating their filtering effects.
A workspace reader that delegates to a chain of other readers, effectively aggregating their contents.
Implementation performing checksum calculation for specific algorithm.
A component representing a checksum factory: provides ChecksumAlgorithm instances, name and extension to be used with this algorithm.
Component performing selection of ChecksumAlgorithmFactory based on known factory names.
Support class for ChecksumAlgorithmFactory implementations.
Helper for checksum operations.
Checksum extractor.
Checksum extractor strategy, that aims for given type of included checksum.
Thrown in case of a checksum failure during an artifact/metadata download.
A checksum policy gets employed by repository connectors to validate the integrity of a downloaded file.
Enum denoting origin of checksum.
Assists repository connectors in applying checksum policies to downloaded resources.
A utility component to perform checksum related operations.
The use of class should be avoided, see StringDigestUtil and file processor in SPI module.
A dependency manager that mimics the way Maven 2.x works.
A transporter factory for repositories using the classpath: protocol.
A dependency visitor that constructs a clone of the visited dependency graph.
Would be record, but...
A request to collect the transitive dependencies and to build a dependency graph from them.
The result of a dependency collection request.
A trace data object revealing collect step (while executing CollectRequest.
Trace objects for dependency collection.
Set of constants meant to be used in "common builds".
Implementation of composite lock when "composition" is needed for locks that are naturally mapped as 1:1 name vs some backing implementation.
The keys and defaults for common configuration properties.
A utility class to read configuration properties from a repository system session.
A dependency graph transformer that creates a topological sorting of the conflict ids which have been assigned to the dependency nodes.
A dependency graph transformer that identifies conflicting dependencies.
A dependency graph transformer that resolves version and scope conflicts among dependencies.
A context used to hold information that is relevant for resolving version and scope conflicts.
A conflicting dependency.
An extension point of ConflictResolver that determines the effective optional flag of a dependency from a potentially conflicting set of derived optionalities.
A context used to hold information that is relevant for deriving the scope of a child dependency.
An extension point of ConflictResolver that determines the scope of a dependency in relation to the scope of its parent.
An extension point of ConflictResolver that determines the effective scope of a dependency from a potentially conflicting set of derived scopes.
The enum representing verbosity levels of conflict resolver.
An extension point of ConflictResolver that determines the winner among conflicting dependencies.
An authentication selector that delegates to another selector but only if a repository has no authentication data yet.
A proxy selector that delegates to another selector but only if a repository has no proxy yet.
A simplistic repository listener that logs events to the console.
A simplistic transfer listener that logs uploads/downloads to the console.
A version filter that blocks "*-SNAPSHOT" versions if the root artifact of the dependency graph is not a snapshot.
Internal helper class for collector implementations.
A simple artifact.
since 2.0, the artifact types should be defined by the resolver consumer
A simple artifact type registry.
A simple authentication selector that selects authentication based on repository identifiers.
Default implementation.
Checksum extractor.
A utility class helping with file-based operations.
A default implementation of repository system session that is immutable and thread-safe.
Internal helper class for collector implementations.
Default implementation of DependencyCollector that merely indirect to selected delegate.
Default implementation of DependencyCycle.
Default implementation of DependencyGraphTransformationContext.
A dependency manager managing dependencies on all levels supporting transitive dependency management.
A node within a dependency graph.
Default implementation of LocalPathComposer.
Default local path prefix composer factory: it fully reuses LocalPathPrefixComposerFactorySupport class without changing anything from it.
A basic metadata instance.
A simple mirror selector that selects mirrors based on repository identifiers.
A utility class helping with file-based operations.
A simple proxy selector that selects the first matching proxy from a list of configured proxies.
Default implementation of RemoteRepositoryFilterManager, it always returns a RemoteRepositoryFilter instance, even if no filter sources enabled/registered (then "always allow" instance).
A simplistic repository cache backed by a thread-safe map.
A legacy repository system session.
A default implementation of session builder.
A simple session data storage backed by a thread-safe map.
Default SyncContextFactory implementation that uses named locks.
Manages access to a properties file.
Default implementation of VersionFilter.VersionFilterContext.
An artifact that delegates to another artifact instance.
A dependency to some artifact.
A context used during dependency collection to update the dependency manager, selector and traverser.
Thrown in case of bad artifact descriptors, version ranges or other issues encountered during calculation of the dependency graph.
Given a collection of direct dependencies, recursively gathers their transitive dependencies and calculates the dependency graph.
Helper class for delegate implementations, they MUST subclass this class.
Helper class used during collection.
A cycle within a dependency graph, that is a sequence of dependencies d_1, d_2, ..., d_n where d_1 and d_n have the same versionless coordinates.
A filter to include/exclude dependency nodes during other operations.
A utility class assisting in the creation of dependency node filters.
A dependency visitor that dumps the graph to any Consumer<String>.
Creates a dependency graph from a text description.
A context used during dependency collection to exchange information within a chain of dependency graph transformers.
Transforms a given dependency graph.
Visualizes the transitive dependencies of an artifact similar to m2e's dependency hierarchy view.
The management updates to apply to a dependency.
Applies dependency management to the dependencies of a dependency node.
A utility class assisting in analyzing the effects of dependency management.
A node within a dependency graph.
A request to resolve transitive dependencies.
Thrown in case of a unresolvable dependencies.
The result of a dependency resolution request.
Generic dependency scope.
Decides what dependencies to include in the dependency graph.
Decides whether the dependencies of a dependency node should be traversed as well.
A visitor for nodes of the dependency graph.
Deploys a JAR and its POM to a remote repository.
Publishes artifacts to a remote repository.
Thrown in case of a deployment error like authentication failure.
A request to deploy artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
The result of deploying artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
Depth-first DependencyCollector (the "original" default).
Direct provider of ISemaphore instances: it simply uses the passed in lock name to create semaphore name out of it.
A utility class to calculate (and create if needed) paths backed by directories using configuration properties from repository system session and others.
Wrapping NameMapper, that wraps another NameMapper and adds a "discriminator" as prefix, that makes lock names unique including the hostname and local repository (by default).
The "discriminating" name mapper provider.
Creates enhanced local repository managers for repository types "default" or "" (automatic).
An exclusion of one or more transitive dependencies.
A dependency selector that applies exclusions based on artifact coordinates.
A simple filter to exclude artifacts based on either artifact id or group id and artifact id.
Utilities for executors and sizing them.
since 2.0, the DependencyTraverser implementation should be provided by the resolver consumer
The "file-gav" name mapper provider.
The "file-hgav" name mapper provider.
Named lock that uses FileLock.
Named locks factory of FileLockNamedLocks.
A listener object that is notified for every progress made while copying files.
The "file-static" name mapper provider.
A transporter factory for repositories using the file: protocol.
A utility class to write files.
A collocated temporary file, that resides next to a "target" file, and is removed when closed.
A file writer, that accepts a Path to write some content to.
A temporary file, that is removed when closed.
A dependency visitor that delegates to another visitor if nodes match a filter.
A filtering connector that filter transfers using remote repository filter and delegates to another connector.
Determines all available versions of an artifact.
Determines the newest version of an artifact.
Artifact GAV NameMapper, uses artifact and metadata coordinates to name their corresponding locks.
The "gav" name mapper provider.
A version scheme using a generic version syntax and common sense sorting.
Visualizes the transitive dependencies of an artifact similar to m2e's dependency hierarchy view.
Collects the transitive dependencies of an artifact.
Determines the direct dependencies of an artifact as declared in its artifact descriptor (POM).
A task to download a resource from the remote repository.
Configuration for GPG Signer.
Password loader that uses GnuPG Agent.
Loader that looks for configuration.
Loader that looks for environment variables.
Remote repository filter source filtering on G coordinate.
Wrapping NameMapper, that wraps another NameMapper and hashes resulting strings.
Factory of AdaptedSemaphoreNamedLock instances, using adapted Hazelcast ISemaphore.
Support class for providers of ISemaphore instances.
A version filter that excludes any version except the highest one.
Some shared HTTP constants.
A transporter using HTTP protocol.
Exception thrown by HttpTransporter in case of errors.
A factory for HttpTransporter.
Common set of tests against Http transporter.
An artifact descriptor reader that gets data from a simple text file on the classpath.
Installs a JAR and its POM to the local repository.
Thrown in case of an installation error like an IO error.
Publishes artifacts to the local repository.
A request to install artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the local repository.
The result of installing artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
Internal scope manager.
The mode of resolution scope: eliminate (remove all occurrences) or just remove.
Thrown when a version or version range could not be parsed.
This class belongs to consumer project.
This class belongs to consumer project.
Definition and semantics of the scopes should be defined by consumer project.
This class belongs to consumer project.
JDK Transport that properly closes HttpClient on Java 11-20.
JDK Transport configuration keys.
JDK Transport factory: on Java 8 it is defunct.
A transporter factory for repositories using the http: or https: protocol.
A proxy selector that uses the JRE's global proxy selector.
Processes dependency graph by traversing the graph in level order.
A request to register an artifact within the local repository.
A query to the local repository for the existence of an artifact.
A result from the local repository about the existence of an artifact.
A request to register metadata within the local repository.
A query to the local repository for the existence of metadata.
A result from the local repository about the existence of metadata.
Composes Artifact and Metadata relative paths to be used in LocalRepositoryManager.
Composes path prefixes for EnhancedLocalRepositoryManager.
Creates instances of LocalPathPrefixComposer.
Support class for LocalPathPrefixComposerFactory implementations: it predefines and makes re-usable common configuration getters, and defines a support class for LocalPathPrefixComposer carrying same configuration and providing default implementation for all methods.
Support class for composers: it defines protected members for all the predefined configuration values and provides default implementation for methods.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named ReentrantReadWriteLocks.
A repository on the local file system used to cache contents of remote repositories and to store locally installed artifacts.
Manages access to a local repository.
A factory to create managers for the local repository.
Retrieves a local repository manager from the installed local repository manager factories.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named Semaphores.
Exception thrown when lock upgrade attempted that we do not support.
A version filter that excludes any version except the lowest one.
A dependency graph transformer that refines the request context for nodes that belong to the "project" context by appending the buildpath type to which the node belongs.
A scope deriver for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from ScopeManager.
A scope selector for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from ScopeManager.
Provides a Maven-2 repository layout for repositories with content type "default".
Maven4 scope configurations.
The MD5 checksum type.
A piece of metadata that needs to be merged with any current metadata before installation/deployment.
Support class to implement ChecksumAlgorithmFactory based on Java MessageDigest.
A piece of repository metadata, e.g.
The nature of the metadata.
A download of metadata from a remote repository.
A metadata generator that participates in the installation/deployment of artifacts.
A factory to create metadata generators.
Thrown when metadata was not found in a particular repository.
A request to resolve metadata from either a remote repository or the local repository.
Resolves metadata, that is gets a local filesystem path to their binary contents.
The result of a metadata resolution request.
A download/upload of metadata.
Thrown when metadata could not be uploaded/downloaded to/from a particular remote repository.
An upload of metadata to a remote repository.
Selects a mirror for a given remote repository.
Runtime exception to be thrown when multiple actions were executed and one or more failed.
A named lock, functionally similar to existing JVM and other implementations.
A factory of NamedLocks.
Adapter to adapt NamedLockFactory and NamedLock to SyncContext.
Default implementation of NamedLockFactoryAdapterFactory.
Support class for NamedLockFactory implementations providing reference counting.
A named lock key.
Support class for NamedLock implementations providing reference counting.
Component mapping lock names to passed in artifacts and metadata as required.
As end-user "mappers" are actually configurations/compositions and are constructed from several NameMapper implementations, this helper class constructing them.
A version selector for use with ConflictResolver that resolves version conflicts using a nearest-wins strategy.
A builder to create dependency nodes for unit testing.
Node list generator usable with different traversing strategies.
Thrown in case of an unsupported local repository type.
A dependency graph transformer that does not perform any changes on its input.
A dependency manager that does not do any dependency management.
A no-op lock factory, that creates no-op locks.
Thrown in case of an unsupported remote repository type.
Thrown in case of an unsupported repository layout.
A dependency filter that negates another filter.
Thrown in case of an unsupported transport protocol.
Sonatype Nexus2 checksum extractor.
Determines whether a remote repository is accessible in offline mode.
A dependency selector that excludes optional dependencies which occur beyond given level.
This class is deprecated.
A dependency filter that combines zero or more other filters using a logical OR.
An artifact type registry which first consults its own mappings and in case of an unknown type falls back to another type registry.
A utility component to perform file-based operations.
A listener object that is notified for every progress made while copying files.
A dependency visitor that records all paths leading to nodes matching a certain filter criteria.
A simple filter to exclude artifacts from a list of patterns.
A simple filter to include artifacts from a list of patterns.
A task to check the existence of a resource in the remote repository.
A wagon configurator based on the Plexus component configuration framework.
A wagon provider backed by a Plexus container and the wagons registered with this container.
Processes dependency graph by traversing the graph in postorder.
See PostorderDependencyNodeConsumerVisitor that is more versatile.
A version filter that excludes any version that is blacklisted.
Remote repository filter source filtering on path prefixes.
Helper class used during collection.
Processes dependency graph by traversing the graph in preorder.
See PreorderDependencyNodeConsumerVisitor that is more versatile.
Label for "project path", like "main", "test", but could be "it", etc.
Component able to provide (expected) checksums to connector beforehand the download happens.
A proxy to use for connections to a repository.
Selects a proxy for a given remote repository.
A task to upload a resource to the remote repository.
Named lock support implementation that is using ReadWriteLock instances.
Support class for factories using RedissonClient.
Provider of RedissonReadWriteLockNamedLockFactory using Redisson and RReadWriteLock.
Provider of RedissonSemaphoreNamedLockFactory using Redisson and RSemaphore.
A repository on a remote server.
A builder to create remote repositories.
Remote repository filter that decides should the given artifact or metadata be accepted (for further processing) from remote repository or not.
The check result, is immutable.
Remote repository filter manager.
Remote repository filter source component.
Support class for RemoteRepositoryFilterSource implementations.
Simple RemoteRepositoryFilter.Result immutable implementation.
Helps dealing with remote repository definitions.
Caches auxiliary data used during repository access like already processed metadata.
A connector for a remote repository.
A factory to create repository connectors.
Retrieves a repository connector from the installed repository connector factories.
An event describing an action performed by the repository system.
A builder to create events.
The type of the repository event.
Dispatches repository events to registered listeners.
The base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.
The layout for a remote repository whose artifacts/metadata can be addressed via URIs.
A descriptor for a checksum location.
A factory to obtain repository layouts.
Retrieves a repository layout from the installed layout factories.
A listener being notified of events from the repository system.
Thrown when a transfer could not be performed because a remote repository is not accessible in offline mode.
A policy controlling access to a repository.
The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.
Lifecycle managing component for repository system.
Defines settings and components that control the repository system.
Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.
Builder for building RepositorySystemSession.CloseableSession instances.
A simple memorizing Supplier of RepositorySystem instance, that on first call supplies lazily constructed instance, and on each subsequent call same instance.
URL handling for file URLs.
A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Controls the caching of resolution errors for artifacts/metadata from remote repositories.
A query for the resolution error policy for a given artifact/metadata.
Generic resolution scope.
Resolves a single artifact.
Resolves a single artifact (not including its transitive dependencies).
Resolves the transitive (compile) dependencies of an artifact.
Retry helper: retries given Callable as long as it returns null (interpreted as "no answer yet") or given time passes.
Marker interface to apply onto exceptions to make them "never retried" when thrown.
Example of building reverse dependency tree using custom ReverseTreeRepositoryListener.
A demo class building reverse tree using CollectStepData trace data provided in RepositoryEvent events fired during collection.
A utility class to forward any uncaught Error or RuntimeException from a Runnable executed in a worker thread back to the parent thread.
A dependency filter based on dependency scopes.
A dependency selector that filters transitive dependencies based on their scope.
This class is deprecated.
Scope manager.
Scope manager configuration.
This is a diagnostic tool to dump out scope manager states.
A simple Supplier of RepositorySystemSession.SessionBuilder instances, that on each call supplies newly constructed instance.
A container for data that is specific to a repository system session.
The SHA-1 checksum type.
The SHA-256 checksum type.
The SHA-512 checksum type.
An artifact descriptor error policy that allows to control error handling at a global level.
Creates local repository managers for repository type "simple".
An optionality selector for use with ConflictResolver.
A resolution error policy that allows to control caching for artifacts and metadata at a global level.
Sisu module for demo snippets.
A factory for repository system instances that employs Eclipse Sisu to wire up the system's components.
A version filter that (unconditionally) blocks "*-SNAPSHOT" versions.
Sparse file FileTrustedChecksumsSourceSupport implementation that use specified directory as base directory, where it expects artifacts checksums on standard Maven2 "local" layout.
A dependency selector that always includes or excludes dependencies.
A dependency traverser which always or never traverses children.
Static NameMapper, always assigns one same name, effectively becoming equivalent to "static" sync context: always maps ANY input to same name.
The "static" name mapper provider.
A simple digester utility for Strings.
An artifact whose identity is derived from another artifact.
Compact file FileTrustedChecksumsSourceSupport implementation that use specified directory as base directory, where it expects a "summary" file named as "checksums.${checksumExt}" for each checksum algorithm.
A factory for repository system instances that employs Maven Artifact Resolver's provided supplier.
A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas.
A factory to create synchronization contexts.
A special dependency scope: "system".
A simple file processor implementation to help satisfy component requirements during tests.
A simple file processor implementation to help satisfy component requirements during tests.
Provides utility methods to read and write (temporary) files.
A simplistic local repository manager that uses a temporary base directory.
A simple tool to check file locking on your OS/FS/Java combo.
A simple file processor implementation to help satisfy component requirements during tests.
Utility methods to help unit testing.
A constraint on versions for a dependency.
Manages access to a properties file.
An artifact/metadata transfer.
Thrown in case an upload/download was cancelled (e.g.
An event fired to a transfer listener during an artifact/metadata transfer.
A builder to create transfer events.
The type of the event.
The type of the request/transfer being performed.
A listener being notified of artifact/metadata transfers from/to remote repositories.
Describes a resource being uploaded or downloaded by the repository system.
A collection of keys used by the dependency graph transformers when exchanging information via the graph transformation context.
A dependency manager managing transitive dependencies supporting transitive dependency management.
A transporter for a remote repository.
A factory to create transporters.
Retrieves a transporter from the installed transporter factories.
A skeleton class for listeners used to monitor transport operations.
A transport task.
A dependency visitor that delegates to another visitor if a node hasn't been visited before.
Artifact resolver processor that verifies the checksums of all resolved artifacts against trusted checksums.
Component able to provide (trusted) checksums for artifacts.
A writer that is able to write/add trusted checksums to this implementation.
Adapter that adapts TrustedChecksumsSource to ProvidedChecksumsSource used by connector.
A union of version ranges.
Thrown in case of an unsolvable conflict between different version constraints for a dependency.
A request to check if an update of an artifact/metadata from a remote repository is needed.
Determines if updates of artifacts and metadata from remote repositories are needed.
Evaluates update policies.
A parsed artifact version.
A constraint on versions for a dependency.
Decides which versions matching a version range should actually be considered for the dependency graph.
A context used during version filtering to hold relevant data.
A range of versions.
A bound of a version range.
A request to resolve a version range.
Thrown in case of an unparseable or unresolvable version range.
Parses and evaluates version ranges encountered in dependency declarations.
The result of a version range resolution request.
A request to resolve a metaversion.
Thrown in case of an unresolvable metaversion.
Evaluates artifact meta/pseudo versions.
The result of a version resolution request.
A version scheme that handles interpretation of version strings to facilitate their comparison.
A component to configure wagon instances with provider-specific parameters.
A component to acquire and release wagon instances for uploads/downloads.
A transporter using Maven Wagon.
A transporter factory using Apache Maven Wagon.
A factory to create worker threads with a given name prefix.
Manages a repository backed by the IDE workspace, a build session or a similar ad-hoc collection of artifacts.
A repository backed by an IDE workspace, the output of a build session or similar ad-hoc collection of artifacts.
Generic checksum extractor that goes for "X-" headers.