Apache Onami-SPI Apache Onami-SPI is a Java5 compatible small collection of reusable tools to make easier the integration with the Service Provider Interface pattern. Apache Onami is a project focused on Google Guice extensions. The Apache Software Foundation 2012-11-14 Java Latest stable release 1.0.0 http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/onami/spi/org.apache.onami.spi.parent/1.0.0/org.apache.onami.spi.parent-1.0.0.pom 2013-07-18 Mikhail Mazursky Cody Ray Daniel Manzke Davide Palmisano Eric Charles Christian Grobmeier Ioannis Canellos Jordi Gerona Marco Speranza Stuart McCulloch Mohammad Nour El-Din Nino Martinez Wael Olivier Lamy Jordan Zimmerman Simone Tripodi Frank David Martinez Apache Onami-SPI Apache Onami-SPI is a Java5 compatible small collection of reusable tools to make easier the integration with the Service Provider Interface pattern. Simone Tripodi Cody Ray Daniel Manzke Davide Palmisano Christian Grobmeier Ioannis Canellos Jordi Gerona Marco Speranza Stuart McCulloch Mohammad Nour El-Din Nino Martinez Wael Olivier Lamy Simone Tripodi