/* Global configuration file for html2ps */
@html2ps {
package {
PerlMagick: 0;
netpbm: 1;
ImageMagick: 1;
djpeg: 1;
TeX: 1;
dvips: 1;
Ghostscript: 1;
libwww-perl: 1;
path: "/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin";
paper {
type: letter;
hyphenation {
en {
file: "./hyphen.tex";
option {
/* number: 0; - it already numbers the pages! */
colour: 1;
duplex: 1; /* Generate postscript code for double sided printing. */
toc: hb; /* Generate a table of contents, based on headings make it appear first */
frame: 1;
hyphenate: 1; /* Hyphenate the text */
header { /* Running page header */
odd-left: $T; /* Document title */
odd-right: $H; /* Current main heading */
even-left: $H; /* Ditto */
even-right: $A; /* Document author (from ) */
toc {
heading: $T;
footer { /* Running page footer */
center: "- $N -"; /* Page number */
showurl: 1; /* Show URL:s for external links */
seq-number: 1; /* Automatic numbering of headings */
/* Standard style sheet definitions */
P { text-align: justify }
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 { font-family: Times; font-weight: bold }
H1 { font-size: 18pt; text-align: center }
H3, H5 { font-style: oblique }
H2, H3 { font-size: 16pt }
H4, H5 { font-size: 13pt }
H6 { font-size: 11pt }
ADDRESS { text-align: right }
background-color: #ccccff;
padding: .25em;
margin: .25em;
border: thin dashed black;