=head1 NAME Site Maintenance =head1 Description This document explains how to keep the site clean. =head1 Validation Tasks We start from a site which is absolutely clean. Please keep it that way. =over =item * Validate internal and external links. For example use: the I from ( http://validator.w3.org/checklink ) I usually run the check as: % checklink.pl --summary --recursive --broken --quiet \ --html -D 10 http://localhost/modperl-site > report.html Internal links validation also applies to POD documents. It's easy to do this, just rebuild the site with the C<-l> argument to C: % bin/build -lf =item * Validate the correctness of the documents. The broken HTML can come from the broken source HTML document or bad templates. One of the tools that can be used is sgmlcheck. e.g.: % sgmlcheck dst_html/index.html META: anyone knows a better tool that can recursively check the whole site (ala checklink.pl) and generate an nice report? =back =cut