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Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library Reference Guide


Module:  Standard C++ Library   Library:  Algorithms


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Algorithm that merges two sorted sequences into a third disjoint sorted sequence


#include <algorithm>

namespace std {
  template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
            class OutputIterator>
  merge(InputIterator1 start1, InputIterator1 finish1,
        InputIterator2 start2, InputIterator2 finish2,
        OutputIterator result);

  template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
            class OutputIterator, class Compare>
  merge(InputIterator1 start1, InputIterator1 finish1,
        InputIterator2 start2, InputIterator2 finish2,
        OutputIterator result, Compare comp);


The merge() algorithm merges two sorted sequences, specified by [start1, finish1) and [start2, finish2), into the sequence specified by [result, result + (finish1 - start1) + (finish2 - start2)). The first version of the merge() algorithm uses operator<() to compare elements in the two sequences. The second version uses the function object comp. If a comparison function is provided, merge() assumes that both sequences were sorted using the same ordering as the one given by the function object.

The merge is stable. This means that if the two original sequences contain equivalent elements, the elements from the first sequence always precede the matching elements from the second in the resulting sequence. The size of the result of a merge() is equal to the sum of the sizes of the two argument sequences. merge() returns an iterator that points to the end of the resulting sequence (in other words, result + (finish1 - start1) + (finish2 -start2)). The result of merge() is undefined if the resulting range overlaps with either of the original ranges.

merge() assumes that all iterators in the range [result, result + (finish1 - start1) + (finish2 - start2)] are dereferenceable, unless result has been adapted by an insert iterator.


At most (finish - start1) + (finish2 - start2) - 1 comparisons are performed.


See Also

Containers, inplace_merge()

Standards Conformance

ISO/IEC 14882:1998 -- International Standard for Information Systems -- Programming Language C++, Section 25.3.4

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