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Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library Reference Guide


Module:  Standard C++ Library   Library:  Algorithms


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Algorithm that returns the minimum of a pair of values


#include <algorithm>

namespace std {
  template <class T>
  const T& min(const T&, const T&);

  template <class T, class Compare>
  const T& min(const T& a, const T&, Compare);


The min() algorithm determines and returns the minimum of a pair of values. In the second version of the algorithm, the argument Compare defines a function object that can be used in place of operator<().

min() returns the first argument when the two arguments are equal.


See Also

max(), max_element(), min_element()

Standards Conformance

ISO/IEC 14882:1998 -- International Standard for Information Systems -- Programming Language C++, Section 25.3.7

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