

I: Introduction

1: Overview
   1.1 Welcome
   1.2 Product Overview
      1.2.1 Components
      1.2.2 STL Not Object-Oriented
      1.2.3 Relationship to the Essential Tools Module
   1.3 Usage Notes
      1.3.1 Compatibility Issues
      1.3.2 The std Namespace
   1.4 Documentation Overview
      1.4.1 Locations of Online Documentation
   1.5 About This Manual
      1.5.1 Assumptions
      1.5.2 Conventions
      1.5.3 Organization
      1.5.4 Reading Suggestion
   1.6 Consulting Services and Training
   1.7 Technical Support
      1.7.1 To Obtain Technical Support
      1.7.2 How to Contact Technical Support

II: Fundamentals

2: Iterators
   2.1 Introduction to Iterators
   2.2 Varieties of Iterators
      2.2.1 Input Iterators Kinds of Input Iterators
      2.2.2 Output Iterators
      2.2.3 Forward Iterators
      2.2.4 Bidirectional Iterators
      2.2.5 Random Access Iterators
      2.2.6 Reverse Iterators
   2.3 Stream Iterators
      2.3.1 Input Stream Iterators
      2.3.2 Output Stream Iterators
   2.4 Insert Iterators
   2.5 Iterator Operations
3: Functions and Predicates
   3.1 Functions
   3.2 Function Objects
      3.2.1 Definition
      3.2.2 Use To Employ Existing Standard C++ Library Function Objects To Improve Execution To Access or Set State Information
   3.3 Predicates
   3.4 Function Adaptors
      3.4.1 Definition
      3.4.2 Adapting Non-member or Static Member Functions
      3.4.3 Adapting Member Functions
   3.5 Negators and Binders

III: Containers

4: Container Classes
   4.1 Overview
   4.2 Selecting a Container
   4.3 Memory Management Issues
   4.4 Container Types Not Found in the Standard C++ Library
5: vector and vector<bool>
   5.1 The vector Data Abstraction
      5.1.1 Include Files
   5.2 vector Operations
      5.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of vectors
      5.2.2 Type Definitions
      5.2.3 Subscripting a vector
      5.2.4 Extent and Size-Changing Operations
      5.2.5 Inserting and Removing Elements
      5.2.6 Iteration
      5.2.7 Test for Inclusion
      5.2.8 Sorting and Sorted vector Operations
      5.2.9 Useful Generic Algorithms
   5.3 Boolean Vectors
   5.4 Example Program: The Sieve of Eratosthenes
6: list
   6.1 The list Data Abstraction
      6.1.1 Include files
   6.2 list Operations
      6.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of lists
      6.2.2 Type Definitions
      6.2.3 Placing Elements into a list Splicing
      6.2.4 Removing Elements
      6.2.5 Extent and Size-Changing Operations
      6.2.6 Access and Iteration
      6.2.7 Test for Inclusion
      6.2.8 Sorting and Sorted list Operations
      6.2.9 Searching Operations
      6.2.10 In-Place Transformations
      6.2.11 Other Operations
   6.3 Example Program: An Inventory System
7: deque
   7.1 The deque Data Abstraction
      7.1.1 Include Files
   7.2 deque Operations
   7.3 Example Program: Radix Sort
8: set, multiset, and bitset
   8.1 The set Data Abstraction
      8.1.1 Include Files
   8.2 set and multiset Operations
      8.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of set
      8.2.2 Type Definitions
      8.2.3 Insertion
      8.2.4 Removal of Elements from a set
      8.2.5 Searching and Counting
      8.2.6 Iterators
      8.2.7 set Operations Subset test Set Union or Intersection Set Difference
      8.2.8 Other Generic Algorithms
   8.3 Example Program: A Spelling Checker
   8.4 The bitset Abstraction
      8.4.1 Include Files
      8.4.2 Declaration and Initialization of bitset
      8.4.3 Accessing and Testing Elements
      8.4.4 set Operations
      8.4.5 Conversions
9: map and multimap
   9.1 The map Data Abstraction
      9.1.1 Include files
   9.2 map and multimap Operations
      9.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of map
      9.2.2 Type Definitions
      9.2.3 Insertion and Access
      9.2.4 Removal of Values
      9.2.5 Iterators
      9.2.6 Searching and Counting
      9.2.7 Element Comparisons
      9.2.8 Other map Operations
   9.3 Example Programs
      9.3.1 Example: A Telephone Database
      9.3.2 An Example: Graphs
      9.3.3 Example: A Concordance
10: The Container Adaptors stack and queue
   10.1 Overview
   10.2 The stack Data Abstraction
      10.2.1 Include Files
      10.2.2 Declaration and Initialization of stack
      10.2.3 Example Program: An RPN Calculator
   10.3 The queue Data Abstraction
      10.3.1 Include Files
      10.3.2 Declaration and Initialization of queue
      10.3.3 Example Program: Bank Teller Simulation
11: The Container Adaptor priority queue
   11.1 The priority queue Data Abstraction
      11.1.1 Include Files
   11.2 The priority queue Operations
      11.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of priority queue
   11.3 Example Program: Event-Driven Simulation
      11.3.1 Example Program: An Ice Cream Store Simulation
12: string
   12.1 The string Abstraction
      12.1.1 Include Files
   12.2 string Operations
      12.2.1 Declaration and Initialization of string
      12.2.2 Resetting Size and Capacity
      12.2.3 Assignment, Append, and Swap
      12.2.4 Character Access
      12.2.5 Iterators
      12.2.6 Insertion, Removal, and Replacement
      12.2.7 Copy and Substring
      12.2.8 string Comparisons
      12.2.9 Searching Operations
   12.3 Example Function: Split a Line into Words

IV: Algorithms

13: Generic Algorithms
   13.1 Overview
      13.1.1 Include Files
   13.2 Initialization Algorithms
      13.2.1 Fill a Sequence with An Initial Value
      13.2.2 Copy One Sequence Into Another Sequence
      13.2.3 Initialize a Sequence with Generated Values
      13.2.4 Swap Values from Two Parallel Ranges
   13.3 Searching Operations
      13.3.1 Find an Element Satisfying a Condition
      13.3.2 Find Consecutive Duplicate Elements
      13.3.3 Find the First Occurrence of Any Value from a Sequence
      13.3.4 Find a Sub-Sequence within a Sequence
      13.3.5 Find the Last Occurrence of a Sub-Sequence
      13.3.6 Locate Maximum or Minimum Element
      13.3.7 Locate the First Mismatched Elements in Parallel Sequences
   13.4 In-Place Transformations
      13.4.1 Reverse Elements in a Sequence
      13.4.2 Replace Certain Elements With Fixed Value
      13.4.3 Rotate Elements Around a Midpoint
      13.4.4 Partition a Sequence into Two Groups
      13.4.5 Generate Permutations in Sequence
      13.4.6 Merge Two Adjacent Sequences into One
      13.4.7 Randomly Rearrange Elements in a Sequence
   13.5 Removal Algorithms
      13.5.1 Remove Unwanted Elements
      13.5.2 Remove Runs of Similar Values
   13.6 Scalar-Producing Algorithms
      13.6.1 Count the Number of Elements That Satisfy a Condition
      13.6.2 Reduce Sequence to a Single Value
      13.6.3 Generalized Inner Product
      13.6.4 Test Two Sequences for Pairwise Equality
      13.6.5 Lexical Comparison
   13.7 Sequence-Generating Algorithms
      13.7.1 Transform One or Two Sequences
      13.7.2 Partial Sums
      13.7.3 Adjacent Differences
   13.8 The for_each() Algorithm
14: Ordered Collection Algorithms
   14.1 Overview
      14.1.1 Include Files
   14.2 Sorting Algorithms
      14.2.1 Partial Sort
   14.3 nth Element
   14.4 Binary Search
   14.5 Merge Ordered Sequences
   14.6 set Operations
   14.7 heap Operations

V: Special Techniques

15: Using Allocators
   15.1 Overview
   15.2 Using Allocators with Existing Standard C++ Library Containers
   15.3 Building Your Own Allocators
      15.3.1 Using the Standard Allocator Interface
16: Building Containers and Algorithms
   16.1 Extending the Standard C++ Library
   16.2 Building on the Standard Containers
      16.2.1 Inheritance
      16.2.2 Generic Inheritance
      16.2.3 Generic Composition
   16.3 Creating Your Own Containers
      16.3.1 Meeting the Container Requirements
      16.3.2 Meeting the Allocator Interface Requirements
      16.3.3 Iterator Requirements
   16.4 Tips and Techniques for Building Algorithms
      16.4.1 The iterator_traits Template
      16.4.2 The distance and advance Primitives
17: The Traits Parameter
   17.1 Defining the Problem
   17.2 Using the Traits Technique
18: Exception Handling
   18.1 Overview
      18.1.1 Include Files
   18.2 The Standard Exception Hierarchy
   18.3 Using Exceptions
   18.4 Example Program: Exceptions

VI: Special Classes

19: auto_ptr
   19.1 Overview
      19.1.1 Include File
   19.2 Declaration and Initialization of Autopointers
20: complex
   20.1 Overview
      20.1.1 Include Files
   20.2 Creating and Using Complex Numbers
      20.2.1 Declaring Complex Numbers
      20.2.2 Accessing Complex Number Values
      20.2.3 Arithmetic Operations
      20.2.4 Comparing Complex Values
      20.2.5 Stream Input and Output
      20.2.6 Norm and Absolute Value
      20.2.7 Trigonometric Functions
      20.2.8 Transcendental Functions
   20.3 Example Program: Roots of a Polynomial
21: numeric_limits
   21.1 Overview
   21.2 Fundamental Datatypes
   21.3 numeric_limits Members
      21.3.1 Members Common to All Types
      21.3.2 Members Specific to Floating Point Values
22: valarray
   22.1 Overview
      22.1.1 Performance Issues
      22.1.2 Type Restrictions A Class That Meets the Type Restrictions A Class That Doesn't Meet the Type Restrictions
      22.1.3 Other Unique Features
      22.1.4 Header Files
   22.2 Declaring a valarray
   22.3 Assignment Operators
   22.4 Element and Subset Access
      22.4.1 Ordinary Index Operators
      22.4.2 Subset Operators The Slice Operation The gslice Operation Boolean Mask Indirect Operation
      22.4.3 Unary Operators
   22.5 Computed Assignment Operators
   22.6 Member Functions
   22.7 Non-Member Functions
      22.7.1 Binary Operators
      22.7.2 Transcendental Functions

VII: Locales

23: Internationalization and Localization
   23.1 Defining the Terms
   23.2 Localizing Cultural Conventions
      23.2.1 Language
      23.2.2 Numbers
      23.2.3 Currency
      23.2.4 Time and Date
      23.2.5 Ordering
   23.3 Character Encodings for Localizing Alphabets
      23.3.1 Multibyte Encodings JIS Encoding Shift-JIS Encoding EUC Encoding Uses of the Three Multibyte Encodings
      23.3.2 Wide Characters
      23.3.3 Conversion between Multibyte and Wide Characters
   23.4 Summary
24: The C and C++ Locales
   24.1 The C Locale
   24.2 The C++ Locales
      24.2.1 Facets The Standard Facets
   24.3 Differences between the C Locale and the C++ Locales
      24.3.1 Common Uses of the C locale
      24.3.2 Common Uses of C++ Locales
      24.3.3 The Relationship between the C Locale and the C++ Locale
   24.4 The Locale Object
25: Facets
   25.1 Understanding Facet Types
   25.2 Facet Lifetimes
   25.3 Accessing a Locale's Facets
   25.4 Using a Stream's Facet
   25.5 Modifying a Standard Facet's Behavior
   25.6 Creating a New Base Facet Class
26: Building Your Own Facet Class
   26.1 An Example of Formatting Phone Numbers
   26.2 A Phone Number Class
   26.3 A Phone Number Formatting Facet Class
   26.4 An Inserter for Phone Numbers
   26.5 The Phone Number Facet Class Revisited
      26.5.1 Adding Data Members
      26.5.2 Adding Country Codes
   26.6 An Example of a Derived Facet Class
   26.7 Using Phone Number Facets
   26.8 Formatting Phone Numbers
   26.9 Improving the Inserter Function
      26.9.1 Primitive Caching
      26.9.2 Registration of a Callback Function
      26.9.3 Improving the Inserter

VIII: Iostreams

27: The Architecture of Iostreams
   27.1 The Standard Iostreams
      27.1.1 Type Safety
      27.1.2 Extensibility to New Types
   27.2 How the Standard Iostreams Work
      27.2.1 The Iostream Layers The Formatting Layer The Transport Layer Locales
      27.2.2 File and In-Memory I/O
   27.3 How the Standard Iostreams Help Solve Problems
   27.4 The Internal Structure of the Iostreams Layers
      27.4.1 The Internal Structure of the Formatting Layer Iostreams Base Class ios_base The Iostreams Character Type-Dependent Base Class Character Traits The Input and Output Streams The File Streams The String Streams
      27.4.2 The Transport Layer's Internal Structure The Stream Buffer The File Buffer The String Stream Buffer
      27.4.3 Collaboration of Streams and Stream Buffers
      27.4.4 Collaboration of Locales and Iostreams
28: Formatted Input and Output
   28.1 The Predefined Streams
   28.2 Input and Output Operators
   28.3 Format Control Using the Stream's Format State
      28.3.1 Format Parameters Parameters That Can Have an Arbitrary Value Parameters That Can Have Only a Few Different Values
      28.3.2 Manipulators
   28.4 Localization Using the Stream's Locale
   28.5 Formatted Input
      28.5.1 Skipping Characters
      28.5.2 Input of Strings
29: Error State of Streams
   29.1 About Flags
   29.2 Checking the Stream State
   29.3 Catching Exceptions
30: File Input and Output
   30.1 About File Streams
      30.1.1 Code Conversion in Wide Character Streams
   30.2 Working with File Streams
      30.2.1 Creating and Opening File Stream Objects
      30.2.2 Checking a File Stream's Status
      30.2.3 Closing a File Stream
   30.3 The Open Mode
      30.3.1 The Open Mode Flags The in and out Open Modes The Open modes ate, app, and trunc The binary Open Mode
      30.3.2 Combining Open Modes
      30.3.3 Default Open Modes
   30.4 Binary and Text Mode
   30.5 File Positioning
      30.5.1 How Positioning Works with the Iostream Architecture
31: Input and Output In Memory
   31.1 About String Streams
   31.2 The Internal Buffer
   31.3 The Open Modes
32: Input and Output of User Types
   32.1 A Note on User-Defined Types
   32.2 An Example with a User-Defined Type
   32.3 A Simple Extractor and Inserter for the Example
   32.4 Improved Extractors and Inserters
   32.5 More Improved Extractors and Inserters
      32.5.1 Applying the Recommendations to the Example
      32.5.2 An Afterthought
   32.6 Patterns for Extractors and Inserters of User-Defined Types
33: Manipulators
   33.1 A Recap of Manipulators
   33.2 Manipulators without Parameters
      33.2.1 Examples of Manipulators without Parameters
      33.2.2 A Remark on the Manipulator endl
   33.3 Manipulators with Parameters
      33.3.1 The Standard Manipulators
      33.3.2 The Principle of Manipulators with Parameters
      33.3.3 Examples of Manipulators with Parameters
34: Streams and Stream Buffers
   34.1 Streams as Objects
   34.2 Copying and Assigning Stream Objects
      34.2.1 Copying a Stream's Data Members
      34.2.2 Sharing Stream Buffers Inadvertently
      34.2.3 Using Pointers or References to Streams
   34.3 Sharing a Stream Buffer Among Streams
      34.3.1 Several Format Settings for the Same Stream
      34.3.2 Several Locales for the Same Stream
      34.3.3 Input and Output to the Same Stream
   34.4 Copies of the Stream Buffer
35: Synchronizing Streams
   35.1 Sharing Files Among Streams
   35.2 Explicit Synchronization
      35.2.1 Output Streams
      35.2.2 Input Streams
   35.3 Implicit Synchronization Using the unitbuf Format Flag
   35.4 Implicit Synchronization by Tying Streams
   35.5 Synchronizing the Standard Iostream Objects
   35.6 Synchronization with the C Standard I/O
36: Stream Storage for Private Use
   36.1 Adding Data to a Stream
   36.2 An Example: Storing a Date Format String
   36.3 Another Look at the Date Format String
   36.4 Caveat
37: Registration of Callback Functions
   37.1 Defining Callback Functions
   37.2 An Example
38: Creating New Stream Classes by Derivation
   38.1 Deriving a New Stream Type
   38.2 Choosing a Base Class
   38.3 Construction and Initialization
      38.3.1 Derivation from File Stream or String Stream Classes std::{i,o}fstream or std::{i,o}stringstream
      38.3.2 Derivation from the Stream Classes std::basic_{i,o}stream
   38.4 The Example
      38.4.1 The Derived Stream Template
      38.4.2 The Date Inserter
      38.4.3 The Manipulator
      38.4.4 A Remark on Performance
   38.5 Using iword/pword for RTTI in Derived Streams
39: Stream Buffers
   39.1 Class basic_streambuf: the Sequence Abstraction
      39.1.1 The streambuf Hierarchy
      39.1.2 The streambuf Interface
   39.2 Deriving New Stream Buffer Classes
   39.3 Connecting iostream and streambuf Objects
40: Defining A Code Conversion Facet
   40.1 Overview
   40.2 Categories of Code Conversions
   40.3 Example 1: Defining a Narrow Character Code Conversion (ASCII <-> EBCDIC)
      40.3.1 Derive a New Facet Type
      40.3.2 Specialize the New Facet Type and Implement the Member Functions
      40.3.3 Use the New Code Conversion Facet
   40.4 Error Indication in Code Conversion Facets
   40.5 Example 2: Defining a Multibyte Character Code Conversion (JIS <-> Unicode)
      40.5.1 Define a New Conversion State Type
      40.5.2 Define a New Character Traits Type
      40.5.3 Define the Code Conversion Facet
      40.5.4 Use the New Code Conversion Facet
41: Defining Your Own Character Types
   41.1 User-Defined Character Types
      41.1.1 Requirements for User-Defined Character Types
   41.2 Defining Traits and Facets for User-Defined Types
   41.3 Creating and Using Streams Instantiated on User-Defined Types
42: Imbuing Locales
   42.1 Locales and Iostreams
   42.2 When to Imbue a New Locale
   42.3 An Example
43: Stream Iterators
   43.1 Definition
   43.2 Differences between Stream Iterators and Container Iterators
   43.3 Error Indication by Stream Iterators
   43.4 Several Iterators on One Stream
44: Iostreams and Multithreading
   44.1 Multithread-Safe: Level 2
   44.2 The Locking Mechanism
      44.2.1 Protecting the Buffer
45: Standard vs. Traditional Iostreams
   45.1 The Character Type
   45.2 Internationalization
   45.3 File Streams
      45.3.1 Connecting Files and Streams
      45.3.2 The File Buffer
   45.4 String Streams
   45.5 Streams with Assign
46: Standard vs. Rogue Wave Iostreams
   46.1 Extensions
      46.1.1 File Descriptors
      46.1.2 Multithreaded Environments

Topic Index