Chapter List


I: Introduction
  1: Overview
II: Fundamentals
  2: Iterators
  3: Functions and Predicates
III: Containers
  4: Container Classes
  5: vector and vector<bool>
  6: list
  7: deque
  8: set, multiset, and bitset
  9: map and multimap
  10: The Container Adaptors stack and queue
  11: The Container Adaptor priority queue
  12: string
IV: Algorithms
  13: Generic Algorithms
  14: Ordered Collection Algorithms
V: Special Techniques
  15: Using Allocators
  16: Building Containers and Algorithms
  17: The Traits Parameter
  18: Exception Handling
VI: Special Classes
  19: auto_ptr
  20: complex
  21: numeric_limits
  22: valarray
VII: Locales
  23: Internationalization and Localization
  24: The C and C++ Locales
  25: Facets
  26: Building Your Own Facet Class
VIII: Iostreams
  27: The Architecture of Iostreams
  28: Formatted Input and Output
  29: Error State of Streams
  30: File Input and Output
  31: Input and Output In Memory
  32: Input and Output of User Types
  33: Manipulators
  34: Streams and Stream Buffers
  35: Synchronizing Streams
  36: Stream Storage for Private Use
  37: Registration of Callback Functions
  38: Creating New Stream Classes by Derivation
  39: Stream Buffers
  40: Defining A Code Conversion Facet
  41: Defining Your Own Character Types
  42: Imbuing Locales
  43: Stream Iterators
  44: Iostreams and Multithreading
  45: Standard vs. Traditional Iostreams
  46: Standard vs. Rogue Wave Iostreams