All Classes and Interfaces
The ldap connection pool passivator.
Describe hostname verification strategies.
Describe trust manager strategies.
The ldap type used to handle specific ops.
Superclass for all business logic modules.
When a field of this type from
, AnyObjectUR
, GroupUR
or UserUR
, no change will be performed; otherwise the result from AbstractPatchItem.getValue()
will replace the current
value of the related field.Modal window with Resource form.
Adds Spring's transactional support to
.Console client for invoking Rest Access Token's services.
REST operations for access tokens.
Account policies page.
Interface for enforcing a given account rule to user.
Action link basic details.
This empty class must exist because there not seems to be alternative to provide specialized HTML for edit links.
This empty class must exist because there not seems to be alternative to provide specialized HTML for edit links.
Adds the domain header to all responses.
Adds the
header to any response containing an instance of AnyTO
as entity.Simple action for pulling Active Directory groups memberships to Syncope group memberships, when the same resource is
configured for both users and groups.
Job for asynchronous handling of notification / audit events.
AjaxCheckBox allowing AjaxCallDecorator.
Implementation providing Basic Authentication capability for the special
user.Search condition to be applied when comparing bean field values.
Modal window with Display any attributes form.
by providing some additional facilities for searching
any objects in Syncope.Note that this controller does not extend
, hence does not provide any
Spring's Transactional logic at class level.Console client for invoking Rest any type class services.
REST operations for anyObjects.
Interface for calling underlying workflow implementations.
REST operations for any type classes.
REST operations for any types.
REST operations for applications.
Intercept calls to ConnectorFacade's methods and check if the corresponding connector instance has been configured to
allow every single operation: if not, simply do nothing.
Search condition to be applied when comparing attribute values.
REST operations for attribute repositories.
REST operations for audit.
Domain-sensible (via
) access to authentication / authorization data.Marker interface for usage with
.REST operations for authentication modules.
REST operations for Auth profiles.
This class is required during setup of an External Resource based on the ConnId
Azure connector.
Provides a simple implementation of chart.js bar chart.
Provides chart data used by bar charts.
Provides options, that are available for
.Provides all information needed for
.Provides the simplest kind of a dataset.
Generic modal event.
Callback called after the window has been closed.
Implementation providing Basic Authentication capability.
Encapsulates the Batch request management via CXF Proxy Client.
Encapsulates the Batch response management via CXF Proxy Client.
Format column's value as boolean.
Format for import / export of workflow definition.
Mirror REST resource for obtaining BPMN process in JSON (used by Flowable Modeler).
Mirror REST resource for setting BPMN process in JSON (used by Flowable Modeler).
REST operations for BPMN processes.
Provides chart options and a pojo-json mapper to communicate with javascript.
Builds the bridge between wicket and chart.js' javascript.
Provides some basic options, that are available for all kinds of charts.
CircularFifoQueue is a first-in first-out queue with a fixed size that
replaces its oldest element if full.
Cache class names for all implementations of Syncope interfaces found in classpath, for later usage.
REST operations for client applications.
REST operations for commands.
Container for common configuration options among all EntityManagerFactory entities (one for each domain).
Operations available for configuration parameters.
REST operations for Self Keymaster's conf params.
Entry point for making requests on underlying connector bundles.
Enum of all possible capabilities that a connector instance can expose.
Entry point for creating and destroying connectors for external resources.
Takes care of connectors' Spring beans (un)registration in case HA is set up and the actual change is performed by
another node in the OpenJPA cluster.
Console client for invoking Rest Connectors services.
REST operations for connector bundles and instances.
Modal window with Connector form.
Manage information about ConnId connector bundles.
Metadata description of ConnId ObjectClass.
by providing some additional facilities for searching
connector objects.SAX handler for generating SQL INSERT statements out of given XML file.
SAX handler for generating CREATE statements out of given XML file.
Base class for custom gateway filter factories.
Custom implementation for internal JWT validation.
Base class for custom predicate factories.
Format column's value as date string.
Propagate a non-cleartext password out to a resource, if the PropagationManager has not already
added a password.
implementation which allows the ability to
import passwords from a Database backend, where the passwords are hashed according to the password cipher algorithm
property of the (DB) Connector and HEX-encoded.Simple implementation basically not involving any workflow engine.
Provides some methods to check whether default credentials are being used, and logs a warning if they are.
Simple implementation basically not involving any workflow engine.
Generate random passwords according to given policies.
Manage the data propagation to external resources.
Simple implementation basically not involving any workflow engine.
REST operations for delegations.
Modal window with Display attributes form.
Implements (custom) Domain DropDownChoice component.
Extension of
relying on CommonEntityManagerFactoryConf
common configuration options.Holds information about domain effectively available at runtime.
Operations available for domains.
delegating actual method invocation to the inner map of ProcessEngine
one for each Syncope domain.Spring factory for
which takes the provided SpringProcessEngineConfiguration
template for each of the configured Syncope domains.Allows to register domains, to make available at runtime.
REST operations for Self Keymaster's domains.
Interface to be implemented by anyone that wants to be notified when domains are created / updated / deleted.
Provides a simple implementation of chart.js doughnut chart.
Provides options, that are available for
.Extension to predefined Flowable form types relying on the provided
bean to populate values.Implementations of this interface are used with
.Thrown when someone is attempting to create an entity with the same key of another existing entity.
Console client for invoking REST DynRealm's services.
REST operations for dynamic realms.
Search engine implementation for users, groups and any objects, based on Elasticsearch.
for getting the ElasticsearchClient
singleton instance.Listen to any create / update and delete in order to keep the Elasticsearch indexes consistent.
Remove and rebuild all Elasticsearch indexes with information from existing users, groups and any objects.
Utility methods for usage with Elasticsearch.
Domain-sensible (via
access to any type data for entitlement init.JPA validation listener implementing bean validation.
Status of some execution.
Converts FIQL expressions to ConnId's
.REST operations for FIQL queries.
Needed with Flowable 6.5.0 or higer.
Abstract base class for Flowable's service tasks in Syncope, with Spring support.
Utility class for parsing / formatting dates and numbers.
This class is required during setup of an External Resource based on the ConnId
GoogleApps connector.
Utility servlet context listener managing GreenMail test server instance.
Modal window with Display group attributes form.
by providing some additional facilities for searching
groups in Syncope.Note that this controller does not extend
, hence does not provide any
Spring's Transactional logic at class level.Console client for invoking Rest Group's services.
Enduser client for invoking Rest Group's services.
REST operations for groups.
Interface for calling underlying workflow implementations.
Utility servlet context listener managing H2 test server instance (to be used as external resource).
Raised when the given any object is to be ignored for pull / push.
REST operations for implementations.
Interface for actions to be performed during inbound.
Interface for correlation rule to be evaluated during inbound task execution.
Pull policies page.
not showin veil.An
not showin veil.An
not showing veil.An
not showing veil.An
not showing veil.An
not showing veil.An
not show in veil.An
not show in veil.Exception thrown when any JPA entity fails bean validation.
ITab available to perform authorization on it
Transforms values to be propagated to (or pulling from) external resources right before they leave (or enter)
the Syncope internal storage.
Static implementation providing information about the integration test environment.
implementing evaluation of JEXL expression defined for a given mapping item.JEXL reference is available.
Encapsulate all information about a propagation task.
Represents the token for an authentication request or for an authenticated principal as JSON Web Token,
once the request has been processed by the
method.Processes the JSON Web Token provided as
HTTP header, putting the result into the
.Implementation providing JSON Web Token authentication capability.
Enables a generic mechanism for JWT validation and subject resolution which allows to plug in implementations
recognizing JWT produced by third parties.
Initialize Keymaster with default content if no data is present already.
Format column's UUID value.
The enum Authentication types.
Simple action for propagating group memberships to LDAP groups, when the same resource is configured for both users
and groups.
Simple action for pulling LDAP groups memberships to Syncope group memberships, when the same resource is
configured for both users and groups.
Propagate a non-cleartext password out to a resource, if the PropagationManager has not already
added a password.
implementation which allows the ability to
import passwords from an LDAP backend that are hashed.Start and stop an in-memory LDAP server instance alongside with Servlet Context.
Provides chart data used by line charts.
Provides options for
.Provides all information needed for
.Accounts wizard builder.
ListViewPanel builder.
Interface for actions to be performed during business logic execution.
Delegates output stream writing onto an SLF4J logger.
Interface for actions to be performed during macro execution.
REST operations for mail templates.
Thrown when the realm path provided is not well formed.
Pull/Push task matching rule.
Populate MDC with sensible information, for the current thread.
Inspired by
.JWT authorisation for access tokens issued by Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure)
for Microsoft Entra-only applications (v1.0 tokens)
Allows having JPA entities spread in several JAR files; this is needed in order to support the Syncope extensions.
Encapsulate all information about a propagation task.
REST operations for Self Keymaster's service discovery.
Thrown when something is not found.
Periodically checks for notification to send.
Notification e-mail body (for a given
.Create notification tasks that will be executed by NotificationJob.
REST operations for notifications.
General-purpose notification task for usage within workflow.
REST operations for OpenID Connect Providers.
REST operations for OpenID Connect Clients.
Basic in-memory cache for available
instances.A reactive logout success handler for initiating OIDC logout through the user agent.
implementation for Apache OpenJPA.JpaVendorAdapter
implementation for Apache OpenJPA.Search engine implementation for users, groups and any objects, based on OpenSearch.
for getting the OpenSearchClient
singleton instance.Listen to any create / update and delete in order to keep the OpenSearch indexes consistent.
Remove and rebuild all OpenSearch indexes with information from existing users, groups and any objects.
Utility methods for usage with OpenSearch.
Simple builder for generating
values.Password policies page.
Interface for enforcing a given password rule to user.
Provides a simple implementation of chart.js pie chart.
Provides options, that are available for
.Provides some additional point color and point stroke color information.
Helper class for serialization and deserialization of configuration objects (POJOs) in JSON.
Policies page.
Console client for invoking Rest Policy services.
Policy rules page.
REST operations for policies.
Preferences available to be specified during requests.
Sorts the tasks to be executed according to related
's priority, then execute.Encapsulates operations to be performed on various resources.
Task attributes details.
Bear stacktrace received during propagation towards a certain resource.
Report propagation status after executions.
Single propagation status.
Execute propagation tasks.
Tasks page.
AuxClasses definition step.
AccountLink specification step.
Mapping definition step.
Interface for actions to be performed during push.
Interface for correlation rule to be evaluated during PushJob execution.
Push policies page.
Push Tasks page.
Console client for invoking REST Realm's services.
REST operations for realms.
REST operations for reconciliation.
Interface to be implemented for performing filtered reconciliation of a
.Reconciliation status.
REST operations for relationship types.
REST operations for remediations.
Reports page.
Modal window with report executions.
Job executing a given report.
Report execution status.
REST operations for reports.
Resource Association Request.
Search condition to be applied when searching for associated resources.
Resource De-association Request.
Resource mapping panel.
Console client for invoking Rest Resources services.
REST operations for external resources.
Resource wizard builder.
Custom HTTP headers in use with REST services.
Console client for invoking Rest Role's services.
REST operations for roles.
Basic in-memory cache for available
instances.REST operations for SAML 2.0 IdP metadata.
REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP4UI Identity Providers.
REST operations for the provided SAML 2.0 SP4UI Service Provider.
REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP entity.
Tasks page.
Console client for invoking rest schema services.
Enduser client for invoking rest schema services.
REST operations for attribute schemas.
REST operations for SCIM 2.0 configuration.
This class provides an empty implementation of
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.This class provides an empty implementation of
which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
.This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
.Converts SCIM filter expressions to Syncope's
.Converts FIQL expressions to Syncope's
.Visits SCIM filter expression and produces
.Visits CXF's
and produces SearchCond
.REST operations for security questions.
A variant of Recorder, supporting single element selection (for editing purpose, for example).
Operations available for services.
Just used to verify a connector request timeout.
Provides chart data and options.
SimpleListViewPanel builder.
SPNEGO is an authentication technology that is primarily used to provide transparent CAS authentication to browsers
running on Windows running under Active Directory domain credentials.
REST operations for SRA routes.
Render Spring's
as other Syncope errors.Render Spring's
as other Syncope errors.Entry point for client access to all REST services exposed by Syncope core; obtain instances via
.Factory bean for creating instances of
.Take care of all inits needed by Syncope Core to run up and safe.
Take care of all disposal needed by Syncope Core to shut down gracefully..
Flowable variable type for handling Syncope entities as Flowable variables.
This parser introduces 2 new operands
(case-insensitive equals) and SyncopeFiqlParser.NIEQ
not equals) to the native FIQL operands.Adds support for custom FIQL operators to
.Used to inject
rather than
.Utility functions for usage with JEXL engine.
Jackson ObjectMapper that unwraps singleton map values and enable default
typing for handling abstract types serialization.
Default implementation for internal JWT validation.
Extension of fluent interface, for
and subclasses.General info about this Apache Syncope deployment.
with purpose of supporting more form types than Flowable's default.Reports about system load.
.Task executions.
Task execution status.
Console client for invoking Rest Tasks services.
REST operations for tasks.
Sample implementation for executing a scheduled task.
Removes any known thread-local variable.
Toggle panel.
Pull/Push task un-matching rule.
Indicates unresolved bean reference.
Modal window with Display user attributes form.
by providing some additional facilities for searching
users in Syncope.Note that this controller does not extend
, hence does not provide any
Spring's Transactional logic at class level.REST operations related to user workflow.
Console client for invoking rest users services.
REST operations for user self-management.
REST operations for users.
Interface for calling underlying workflow implementations.
REST operations for WA to read client applications.
REST operations for WA Configuration.
PanelInWizard abstract builder.
Wrapper for all workflow related exceptions.
Export internal storage content as XML.
Initialize Database with default content if no data is present already.
via Apache Curator / Zookeeper.Implements
via Apache Curator / Zookeeper.Implements
via Apache Curator / Zookeeper via Curator's ServiceDiscovery
via Apache Curator / Zookeeper.