* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @author Jorge Bay Gondra
'use strict';
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
const EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3');
const Stream = require('readable-stream');
const utils = require('../utils');
const { DeferredPromise } = utils;
const serializer = require('../structure/io/graph-serializer');
const { graphBinaryReader, graphBinaryWriter } = require('../structure/io/binary/GraphBinary');
const ResultSet = require('./result-set');
const ResponseError = require('./response-error');
const responseStatusCode = {
success: 200,
noContent: 204,
partialContent: 206,
authenticationChallenge: 407,
const defaultMimeType = 'application/vnd.gremlin-v3.0+json';
const graphSON2MimeType = 'application/vnd.gremlin-v2.0+json';
const graphBinaryMimeType = 'application/vnd.graphbinary-v1.0';
const uuidPattern = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}';
* Represents a single connection to a Gremlin Server.
class Connection extends EventEmitter {
* Creates a new instance of {@link Connection}.
* @param {String} url The resource uri.
* @param {Object} [options] The connection options.
* @param {Array} [options.ca] Trusted certificates.
* @param {String|Array|Buffer} [options.cert] The certificate key.
* @param {String} [options.mimeType] The mime type to use.
* @param {String|Buffer} [options.pfx] The private key, certificate, and CA certs.
* @param {GraphSONReader} [options.reader] The reader to use.
* @param {Boolean} [options.rejectUnauthorized] Determines whether to verify or not the server certificate.
* @param {String} [options.traversalSource] The traversal source. Defaults to: 'g'.
* @param {GraphSONWriter} [options.writer] The writer to use.
* @param {Authenticator} [options.authenticator] The authentication handler to use.
* @param {Object} [options.headers] An associative array containing the additional header key/values for the initial request.
* @param {Boolean} [options.enableUserAgentOnConnect] Determines if a user agent will be sent during connection handshake. Defaults to: true
* @param {http.Agent} [options.agent] The http.Agent implementation to use.
* @param {Boolean} [options.enableCompression] Enable per-message deflate compression. Defaults to: false.
* @constructor
constructor(url, options) {
this.url = url;
this.options = options = options || {};
* Gets the MIME type.
* @type {String}
this.mimeType = options.mimeType || defaultMimeType;
// A map containing the request id and the handler. The id should be in lower case to prevent string comparison issues.
this._responseHandlers = {};
this._reader = options.reader || this.#getDefaultReader(this.mimeType);
this._writer = options.writer || this.#getDefaultWriter(this.mimeType);
this._openPromise = null;
this._openCallback = null;
this._closePromise = null;
this._closeCallback = null;
this._header = String.fromCharCode(this.mimeType.length) + this.mimeType; // TODO: what if mimeType.length > 255
this._header_buf = Buffer.from(this._header);
this.isOpen = false;
this.traversalSource = options.traversalSource || 'g';
this._authenticator = options.authenticator;
this._enableUserAgentOnConnect = options.enableUserAgentOnConnect !== false;
* Opens the connection, if its not already opened.
* @returns {Promise}
async open() {
if (this.isOpen) {
if (this._openPromise) {
return this._openPromise;
this._openPromise = DeferredPromise();
this.emit('log', 'ws open');
let headers = this.options.headers;
if (this._enableUserAgentOnConnect) {
if (!headers) {
headers = [];
const userAgent = await utils.getUserAgent();
if (userAgent !== undefined) {
headers[utils.getUserAgentHeader()] = await utils.getUserAgent();
const WebSocket = globalThis.WebSocket ?? (await import('ws')).default;
this._ws = new WebSocket(
globalThis.WebSocket === undefined
? {
headers: headers,
ca: this.options.ca,
cert: this.options.cert,
pfx: this.options.pfx,
rejectUnauthorized: this.options.rejectUnauthorized,
agent: this.options.agent,
perMessageDeflate: this.options.enableCompression,
: undefined,
if ('binaryType' in this._ws) {
this._ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
this._ws.addEventListener('open', this.#handleOpen);
this._ws.addEventListener('error', this.#handleError);
this._ws.addEventListener('message', this.#handleMessage);
this._ws.addEventListener('close', this.#handleClose);
return await this._openPromise;
/** @override */
submit(processor, op, args, requestId) {
// TINKERPOP-2847: Use lower case to prevent string comparison issues.
const rid = (requestId || utils.getUuid()).toLowerCase();
if (!rid.match(uuidPattern)) {
throw new Error('Provided requestId "' + rid + '" is not a valid UUID.');
return this.open().then(
() =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (op !== 'authentication') {
this._responseHandlers[rid] = {
callback: (err, result) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve(result)),
result: null,
const request = {
requestId: rid,
op: op || 'bytecode',
// if using op eval need to ensure processor stays unset if caller didn't set it.
processor: !processor && op !== 'eval' ? 'traversal' : processor,
args: args || {},
const request_buf = this._writer.writeRequest(request);
const message = utils.toArrayBuffer(Buffer.concat([this._header_buf, request_buf]));
/** @override */
stream(processor, op, args, requestId) {
// TINKERPOP-2847: Use lower case to prevent string comparison issues.
const rid = (requestId || utils.getUuid()).toLowerCase();
if (!rid.match(uuidPattern)) {
throw new Error('Provided requestId "' + rid + '" is not a valid UUID.');
const readableStream = new Stream.Readable({
objectMode: true,
read() {},
this._responseHandlers[rid] = {
callback: (err) => (err ? readableStream.destroy(err) : readableStream.push(null)),
result: readableStream,
.then(() => {
const request = {
requestId: rid,
op: op || 'bytecode',
// if using op eval need to ensure processor stays unset if caller didn't set it.
processor: !processor && op !== 'eval' ? 'traversal' : processor,
args: args || {},
const request_buf = this._writer.writeRequest(request);
const message = utils.toArrayBuffer(Buffer.concat([this._header_buf, request_buf]));
.catch((err) => readableStream.destroy(err));
return readableStream;
#getDefaultReader(mimeType) {
if (mimeType === graphBinaryMimeType) {
return graphBinaryReader;
return mimeType === graphSON2MimeType ? new serializer.GraphSON2Reader() : new serializer.GraphSONReader();
#getDefaultWriter(mimeType) {
if (mimeType === graphBinaryMimeType) {
return graphBinaryWriter;
return mimeType === graphSON2MimeType ? new serializer.GraphSON2Writer() : new serializer.GraphSONWriter();
#handleOpen = () => {
this.isOpen = true;
* @param {Event} event
#handleError = ({ error }) => {
this.emit('log', `ws error ${error}`);
this.emit('socketError', error);
* @param {CloseEvent} event
#handleClose = ({ code, message }) => {
this.emit('log', `ws close code=${code} message=${message}`);
if (this._closeCallback) {
this.emit('close', code, message);
* @param {MessageEvent<any>} event
#handleMessage = ({ data: _data }) => {
const data = _data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? Buffer.from(_data) : _data;
const response = this._reader.readResponse(data);
if (response.requestId === null || response.requestId === undefined) {
// There was a serialization issue on the server that prevented the parsing of the request id
// We invoke any of the pending handlers with an error
Object.keys(this._responseHandlers).forEach((requestId) => {
const handler = this._responseHandlers[requestId];
if (response.status !== undefined && response.status.message) {
return handler.callback(
// TINKERPOP-2285: keep the old server error message in case folks are parsing that - fix in a future breaking version
new ResponseError(
`Server error (no request information): ${response.status.message} (${response.status.code})`,
// TINKERPOP-2285: keep the old server error message in case folks are parsing that - fix in a future breaking version
return handler.callback(
new ResponseError(`Server error (no request information): ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, response.status),
// TINKERPOP-2847: Use lower case to prevent string comparison issues.
response.requestId = response.requestId.toLowerCase();
const handler = this._responseHandlers[response.requestId];
if (!handler) {
// The handler for a given request id was not found
// It was probably invoked earlier due to a serialization issue.
if (response.status.code === responseStatusCode.authenticationChallenge && this._authenticator) {
.then((res) => this.submit(undefined, 'authentication', res, response.requestId))
} else if (response.status.code >= 400) {
// callback in error
return handler.callback(
// TINKERPOP-2285: keep the old server error message in case folks are parsing that - fix in a future breaking version
new ResponseError(`Server error: ${response.status.message} (${response.status.code})`, response.status),
const isStreamingResponse = handler.result instanceof Stream.Readable;
switch (response.status.code) {
case responseStatusCode.noContent:
if (isStreamingResponse) {
handler.result.push(new ResultSet(utils.emptyArray, response.status.attributes));
return handler.callback(null);
return handler.callback(null, new ResultSet(utils.emptyArray, response.status.attributes));
case responseStatusCode.partialContent:
if (isStreamingResponse) {
handler.result.push(new ResultSet(response.result.data, response.status.attributes));
handler.result = handler.result || [];
handler.result.push.apply(handler.result, response.result.data);
if (isStreamingResponse) {
handler.result.push(new ResultSet(response.result.data, response.status.attributes));
return handler.callback(null);
if (handler.result) {
handler.result.push.apply(handler.result, response.result.data);
} else {
handler.result = response.result.data;
return handler.callback(null, new ResultSet(handler.result, response.status.attributes));
* clean websocket context
#cleanupWebsocket(err) {
// Invoke waiting callbacks to complete Promises when closing the websocket
Object.keys(this._responseHandlers).forEach((requestId) => {
const handler = this._responseHandlers[requestId];
const isStreamingResponse = handler.result instanceof Stream.Readable;
if (isStreamingResponse) {
} else {
const cause = err ? err : new Error('Connection has been closed.');
this._ws.removeEventListener('open', this.#handleOpen);
this._ws.removeEventListener('error', this.#handleError);
this._ws.removeEventListener('message', this.#handleMessage);
this._ws.removeEventListener('close', this.#handleClose);
this._openPromise = null;
this._closePromise = null;
this.isOpen = false;
* Clears the internal state containing the callback and result buffer of a given request.
* @param requestId
* @private
#clearHandler(requestId) {
delete this._responseHandlers[requestId];
* Closes the Connection.
* @return {Promise}
close() {
if (this.isOpen === false) {
return Promise.resolve();
if (!this._closePromise) {
this._closePromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._closeCallback = resolve;
return this._closePromise;
module.exports = Connection;