This directory contains both the native and java-side code for ajp connectors. Building ======== * Install tomcat(3.3, 4.0, 4.1). Install Apache(1.3, 2.0). Any combination is fine, but j-t-c developers should have them all. * Copy to * Edit to taste. In particular it's important to set the paths to tomcat and apache. * Run "ant". It'll build modules for all the detected containers. * If your system have a current working version of libtool, run "ant native". This will build the native connectors for the detected servers ( both jk and jk2). Alternatively, you can build using configure/make/dsp/apxs. * Run "ant install". This will copy the files in the right location in your server/container. Optional: on unix systems you can create symlinks ( XXX script will be provided ) and avoid copying. Setting tomcat 3.3 ================== Restart tomcat. Setting tomcat 4.0 ================== To use the ajp13 connector for tomcat 4: XXX Can we automate this ? 1) add the following to server.xml: Setting tomcat 4.1 ================== Restart tomcat. ( XXX this is not completely implemented. For now we'll use the same mechanism as in 4.0 - i.e. add in server.xml. ) Configuring JK1 =============== Configuring JK2 =============== Building the tests ================== ( probably not working - the best test is to run watchdog/tester/3.3 test webapp ) ( XXX is it ok to remove this ? ) * Download junit from (version 3.7 or greater is required). * "ant test"