Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3

Dan Milstein, danmil@shore.net, December 2000.

This describes the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (hereafter ajp13). There is, apparently, no current documentation of how the protocol works. This document is an attempt to remedy that, in order to make life easier for maintainers of mod_jk, and for anyone who wants to port the protocol somewhere (into jakarta 4.x, for example).

Who Am I?
I am not one of the designers of this protocol -- I believe that Gal Shachor was the original designer. Everything in this document is derived from the actual implementation I found in the tomcat 3.x code. I hope it is useful, but I can't make any grand claims to perfect accuracy. I also don't know why certain design decisions were made. Where I was able, I've offered some possible justifications for certain choices, but those are only my guesses. In general, the C code which Shachor wrote is very clean and comprehensible (if almost totally undocumented). I've cleaned up the Java code, and I think it's reasonably readable.

Design Goals
According to email from Gal Shachor to the jakarta-dev mailing list, the original goals of mod_jk (and thus ajp13) were to extend mod_jserv and ajp12 by (I am only including the goals which relate to communication between the web server and the servlet container):

  1. Increasing performance (speed, specifically).

  2. Adding support for SSL, so that isSecure() and geScheme() will function correctly within the servlet container. The client certificates and cipher suite will be available to servlets as request attributes.

The ajp13 protocol is packet-oriented. A binary format was presumably chosen over the more readable plain text for reasons of performance. The web server communicates with the servlet container over TCP connections. To cut down on the expensive process of socket creation, the web server will attempt to maintain persistent TCP connections to the servlet container, and to reuse a connection for multiple request/response cycles.

Once a connection is assigned to a particular request, it will not be used for any others until the request-handling cycle has terminated. In other words, requests are not multiplexed over connections. This makes for much simpler code at either end of the connection, although it does cause more connections to be open at once.

Once the web server has opened a connection to the servlet container, the connection can be in one of the following states:

Once a connection is assigned to handle a particular request, the basic request informaton (e.g. HTTP headers, etc) is sent over the connection in a highly condensed form (e.g. common strings are encoded as integers). Details of that format are below in Request Packet Structure. If there is a body to the request (content-length > 0), that is sent in a separate packet immediately after.

At this point, the servlet container is presumably ready to start processing the request. As it does so, it can send the following messages back to the web server:

Each message is accompanied by a differently formatted packet of data. See Response Packet Structures below for details.

Basic Packet Structure

There is a bit of an XDR heritage to this protocol, but it differs in lots of ways (no 4 byte alignment, for example).

Byte order: I am not clear about the endian-ness of the individual bytes. I'm guessing the bytes are little-endian, because that's what XDR specifies, and I'm guessing that sys/socket library is magically making that so (on the C side). If anyone with a better knowledge of socket calls can step in, that would be great.

There are four data types in the protocol: bytes, booleans, integers and strings.

A single byte.

A single byte, 1 = true, 0 = false. Using other non-zero values as true (i.e. C-style) may work in some places, but it won't in others.

A number in the range of 0 to 2^16 (32768). Stored in 2 bytes with the high-order byte first.

A variable-sized string (length bounded by 2^16). Encoded with the length packed into two bytes first, followed by the string (including the terminating '\0'). Note that the encoded length does not include the trailing '\0' -- it is like strlen. This is a touch confusing on the Java side, which is littered with odd autoincrement statements to skip over these terminators. I believe the reason this was done was to allow the C code to be extra efficient when reading strings which the servlet container is sending back -- with the terminating \0 character, the C code can pass around references into a single buffer, without copying. If the \0 was missing, the C code would have to copy things out in order to get its notion of a string.

Packet Size
According to much of the code, the max packet size is 8 * 1024 bytes (8K). The actual length of the packet is encoded in the header.

Packet Headers
Packets sent from the server to the container begin with 0x1234. Packets sent from the container to the server begin with AB (that's the ASCII code for A followed by the ASCII code for B). After those first two bytes, there is an integer (encoded as above) with the length of the payload. Although this might suggest that the maximum payload could be as large as 2^16, in fact, the code sets the maximum to be 8K.

Packet Format (Server->Container)
Byte 0 1 2 3 4...(n+3)
Contents 0x12 0x34 Data Length (n) Data

Packet Format (Container->Server)
Byte 0 1 2 3 4...(n+3)
Contents A B Data Length (n) Data

For most packets, the first byte of the payload encodes the type of message. The exception is for request body packets sent from the server to the container -- they are sent with a standard packet header (0x1234 and then length of the packet), but without any prefix code after that (this seems like a mistake to me). The web server can send the following messages to the servlet container:

Code Type of Packet Meaning
2 Forward Request Begin the request-processing cycle with the following data
7 Shutdown The web server asks the container to shut itself down.

The servlet container can send the following types of messages to the web server:

Code Type of Packet Meaning
3 Send Body Chunk Send a chunk of the body from the servlet container to the web server (and presumably, onto the browser).
4 Send Headers Send the response headers from the servlet container to the web server (and presumably, onto the browser).
5 End Response Marks the end of the response (and thus the request-handling cycle).
6 Get Body Chunk Get further data from the request if it hasn't all been transferred yet.

Each of the above messages has a different internal structure, detailed below.

Request Packet Structure

For messages from the server to the container of type "Forward Request":

    prefix_code      2
    method           (byte)
    protocol         (string)
    req_uri          (string)
    remote_addr      (string)
    remote_host      (string)
    server_name      (string)
    server_port      (integer)
    is_ssl           (boolean)
    num_headers      (integer)
    request_headers *(req_header_name req_header_value)

    ?context       (byte string)
    ?servlet_path  (byte string)
    ?remote_user   (byte string)
    ?auth_type     (byte string)
    ?query_string  (byte string)
    ?jvm_route     (byte string)
    ?ssl_cert      (byte string)
    ?ssl_cipher    (byte string)
    ?ssl_session   (byte string)

    ?attributes   *(attribute_name attribute_value)
    request_terminator (byte)

req_header_name := 
    sc_req_header_name | (string)  [see below for how this is parsed]

sc_req_header_name := 0xA0 (byte)

req_header_value := (string)

attribute_name := (string)

attribute_value := (string)

request_terminator := 0xFF
Not that the all-important header is "content-length', because it determines whether or not the container looks for another packet immediately.

Details of above

For all requests, this will be 2. See above for details on other prefix codes.

The HTTP method, encoded as a single byte:

OPTIONS      1
GET          2
HEAD         3
POST         4
PUT          5
DELETE       6
TRACE        7
MKCOL       10
COPY        11
MOVE        12
LOCK        13
UNLOCK      14
ACL         15
REPORT      16
CHECKIN     18
SEARCH      21

protocol, req_uri, remote_addr, remote_host, server_name, server_port, is_ssl
These are all fairly self-explanatory. Each of these is required, and will be sent for every request.

First, the number of headers is encoded. Then, a series of header name / value pairs follows. Common header names are encoded as integers, to save space. If the header name is not in the list of basic headers, it is encoded normally (as a string, with prefixed length). The list of common headers and their codes is as follows (all are case-sensitive):
accept               0xA001
accept-charset       0xA002
accept-encoding      0xA003
accept-language      0xA004
authorization        0xA005
connection           0xA006
content-type         0xA007
content-length       0xA008
cookie               0xA009    
cookie2              0xA00A
host                 0xA00B
pragma               0xA00C
referer              0xA00D
user-agent           0xA00E
The Java code that reads this grabs the first two-byte integer, and, if it sees an '0xA0' in the most significant byte, it uses the integer in the second byte as an index into an array of header names. If the first byte is not '0xA0', it assumes that the two-byte integer is the length of a string, which is then read in.

This works on the assumption that no header names will have length greater than 0x9999 (==0xA000 - 1), which is perfectly reasonable, though somewhat arbitrary. (If you, like me, started to think about the cookie spec here, and about how long headers can get, fear not -- this limit is on header names not header values. It seems unlikely that unmanageably huge header names will be showing up in the HTTP spec any time soon).

Note: The content-length header is extremely important. If it is present and non-zero, the container assumes that the request has a body (a POST request, for example), and immediately reads a separate packet off the input stream to get that body.

Optional Information
The list of attributes prefixed with a ? (e.g. ?context) are all optional. For each, there is a single byte code to indicate the type of attribute, and then a string to give its value. They can be sent in any order (thogh the C code always sends them in the order listed below). A special terminating code is sent to signal the end of the list of optional attributes. The list of byte codes is:
context            1 [Not currently implemented]
servlet_path       2 [Not currently implemented]
remote_user        3
auth_type          4
query_string       5
jvm_route          6
ssl_cert           7
ssl_cipher         8
ssl_session        9

req_attribute      10 

terminator         0xFF
The context and servlet_path are not currently set by the C code, and most of the Java code completely ignores whatever is sent over for those fields (and some of it will actually break if a string is sent along after one of those codes). I don't know if this is a bug or an unimplemented feature or just vestigial code, but it's missing from both sides of the connection.

The remote_user and auth_type presumably refer to HTTP-level authentication, and communicate the remote user's username and the type of authentication used to establish their identity (e.g. Basic, Digest). I'm not clear on why the password isn't also sent, but I don't know HTTP authentication inside and out.

The query_string, ssl_cert, ssl_cipher, and ssl_session refer to the corresponding pieces of HTTP and HTTPS.

The jvm_route, as I understand it, is used to support sticky sessions -- associating a user's sesson with a particular Tomcat instance in the presence of multiple, load-balancing servers. I don't know the details.

Beyond this list of basic attributes, any number of other attributes can be sent via the req_attribute code (10). A pair of strings to represent the attribute name and value are sent immediately after each instance of that code. Environment values are passed in via this method.

Finally, after all the attributes have been sent, the attribute terminator, 0xFF, is sent. This signals both the end of the list of attributes, and also then end of the Request Packets as a whole.

The server can also send a shutdown packet. To ensure some basic security, the container will only actually do the shutdown if the request comes from the same machine on which it's hosted.

Response Packet Structures

For messages which the container can send back to the server.

  prefix_code   3
  chunk_length  (integer)
  chunk        *(byte)

  prefix_code       4
  http_status_code  (integer)
  http_status_msg   (string)
  num_headers       (integer)
  response_headers *(res_header_name header_value)

res_header_name := 
    sc_res_header_name | (string)   [see below for how this is parsed]

sc_res_header_name := 0xA0 (byte)

header_value := (string)

  prefix_code       5
  reuse             (boolean)

  prefix_code       6
  requested_length  (integer)
Send Body Chunk
The chunk is basically binary data, and is sent directly back to the browser.

Send Headers
The status code and message are the usual HTTP things (e.g. "200" and "OK"). The response header names are encoded the same way the request header names are. See above for details about how the the codes are distinguished from the strings. The codes for common headers are:
Content-Type         0xA001
Content-Language     0xA002
Content-Length       0xA003 
Date                 0xA004
Last-Modified        0xA005
Location             0xA006
Set-Cookie           0xA007
Set-Cookie2          0xA008
Servlet-Engine       0xA009
Status               0xA00A
WWW-Authenticate     0xA00B
After the code or the string header name, the header value is immediately encoded.

End Response
Signals the end of this request-handling cycle. If the reuse flag is true (==1), this TCP connection can now be used to handle new incoming requests. If reuse is false (anything other than 1 in the actual C code), the connection should be closed.

Get Body Chunk
The container asks for more data from the request (if the body was too large to fit in the first packet sent over). The server will send a body packet back with an amount of data which is the minimum of the request_length, the maximum send body size (XXX), and the number of bytes actually left to send from the request body.

If there is no more data in the body (i.e. the servlet container is trying to read past the end of the body), the server will send back an "empty" packet, whch is a body packet with a payload length of 0.

Questions I Have

What happens if the request headers > max packet size? There is no provision to send a second packet of request headers in case there are more than 8K (I think this is correctly handled for response headers, though I'm not certain). I don't know if there is a way to get more than 8K worth of data into that initial set of request headers, but I'll bet there is (combine long cookies with long ssl information and a lot of environment variables, and you should hit 8K easily). I think the connector would just fail before trying to send any headers in this case, but I'm not certain.

What about authentication? There doesn't seem to be any authentication of the connection between the web server and the container. This strikes me as potentially dangerous.