# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. combinedRealm.addRealm=Add [{0}] realm, making a total of [{1}] realms combinedRealm.authFail=Failed to authenticate user [{0}] with realm [{1}] combinedRealm.authStart=Attempting to authenticate user [{0}] with realm [{1}] combinedRealm.authSuccess=Authenticated user [{0}] with realm [{1}] combinedRealm.getPassword=The getPassword() method should never be called combinedRealm.getPrincipal=The getPrincipal() method should never be called combinedRealm.realmStartFail=Failed to start [{0}] realm combinedRealm.unexpectedMethod=An unexpected call was made to a method on the combined realm credentialHandler.invalidStoredCredential=The invalid stored credential string [{0}] was provided by the Realm to match with the user provided credentials credentialHandler.unableToMutateUserCredential=Failed to mutate user provided credentials. This typically means the CredentialHandler configuration is invalid dataSourceRealm.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated dataSourceRealm.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated dataSourceRealm.close=Exception closing database connection dataSourceRealm.exception=Exception performing authentication dataSourceRealm.getPassword.exception=Exception retrieving password for [{0}] dataSourceRealm.getRoles.exception=Exception retrieving roles for [{0}] jaasCallback.username=Returned username [{0}] jaasMemoryLoginModule.callbackHandlerError=Error invoking callback handler: [{0}] jaasMemoryLoginModule.invalidCredentials=User name or password is incorrect jaasMemoryLoginModule.noCallbackHandler=No CallbackHandler specified jaasMemoryLoginModule.noCatalinaBase=Unable to determine Catalina base to load file [{0}] jaasMemoryLoginModule.noConfig=Cannot load configuration file [{0}] jaasMemoryLoginModule.parseError=Error processing configuration file [{0}] jaasMemoryLoginModule.unknownAuthenticationMethod=Unknown authentication method jaasRealm.accountExpired=Username [{0}] NOT authenticated due to expired account jaasRealm.appName=Set JAAS app name [{0}] jaasRealm.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated jaasRealm.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated as Principal [{1}] -- Subject was created too jaasRealm.beginLogin=JAASRealm login requested for username [{0}] using LoginContext for application [{1}] jaasRealm.checkPrincipal=Checking Principal [{0}] [{1}] jaasRealm.classNotFound=Class [{0}] was not found jaasRealm.credentialExpired=Username [{0}] NOT authenticated due to expired credential jaasRealm.failedLogin=Username [{0}] NOT authenticated due to failed login jaasRealm.loginContextCreated=JAAS LoginContext created for username [{0}] jaasRealm.loginException=Login exception authenticating username [{0}] jaasRealm.notPrincipal=Class [{0}] not added as it does not implement java.security.Principal jaasRealm.rolePrincipalAdd=Adding role Principal [{0}] to this user Principal''s roles jaasRealm.rolePrincipalFailure=No valid role Principals found. jaasRealm.unexpectedError=Unexpected error jaasRealm.userPrincipalFailure=No valid user Principal found jaasRealm.userPrincipalSuccess=Principal [{0}] is a valid user class. We will use this as the user Principal. jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated jdbcRealm.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated jdbcRealm.close=Exception closing database connection jdbcRealm.exception=Exception performing authentication jdbcRealm.open=Exception opening database connection jdbcRealm.open.invalidurl=Driver [{0}] does not support the url [{1}] jndiRealm.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated jndiRealm.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated jndiRealm.cipherSuites=Enable [{0}] as cipher suites for tls connection. jndiRealm.close=Exception closing directory server connection jndiRealm.emptyCipherSuites=Empty String for cipher suites given. Using default cipher suites. jndiRealm.exception=Exception performing authentication jndiRealm.exception.retry=Exception performing authentication. Retrying... jndiRealm.invalidHostnameVerifier=[{0}] not a valid class name for a HostnameVerifier jndiRealm.invalidSslProtocol=Given protocol [{0}] is invalid. It has to be one of [{1}] jndiRealm.invalidSslSocketFactory=[{0}] not a valid class name for a SSLSocketFactory jndiRealm.negotiatedTls=Negotiated tls connection using protocol [{0}] jndiRealm.open=Exception opening directory server connection jndiRealm.tlsClose=Exception closing tls response lockOutRealm.authLockedUser=An attempt was made to authenticate the locked user [{0}] lockOutRealm.removeWarning=User [{0}] was removed from the failed users cache after [{1}] seconds to keep the cache size within the limit set mdCredentialHandler.unknownEncoding=The encoding [{0}] is not supported so the current setting of [{1}] will still be used memoryRealm.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated memoryRealm.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated memoryRealm.loadExist=Memory database file [{0}] cannot be read memoryRealm.loadPath=Loading users from memory database file [{0}] memoryRealm.readXml=Exception while reading memory database file memoryRealm.xmlFeatureEncoding=Exception configuring digester to permit java encoding names in XML files. Only IANA encoding names will be supported. pbeCredentialHandler.invalidKeySpec=Unable to generate a password based key realmBase.algorithm=Invalid message digest algorithm [{0}] specified realmBase.authenticateFailure=Username [{0}] NOT successfully authenticated realmBase.authenticateSuccess=Username [{0}] successfully authenticated realmBase.cannotGetRoles=Cannot get roles from principal [{0}] realmBase.createUsernameRetriever.ClassCastException=Class [{0}] is not an X509UsernameRetriever. realmBase.createUsernameRetriever.newInstance=Cannot create object of type [{0}]. realmBase.credentialHandler.customCredentialHandler=Unable to set the property [{0}] to value [{1}] as a custom CredentialHandler has been configured realmBase.delegatedCredentialFail=Unable to obtain delegated credentials for user [{0}] realmBase.digest=Error digesting user credentials realmBase.forbidden=Access to the requested resource has been denied realmBase.gotX509Username=Got user name from X509 certificate: [{0}] realmBase.gssContextNotEstablished=Authenticator implementation error: the passed security context is not fully established realmBase.gssNameFail=Failed to extract name from established GSSContext realmBase.hasRoleFailure=Username [{0}] does NOT have role [{1}] realmBase.hasRoleSuccess=Username [{0}] has role [{1}] realmBase.invalidDigestEncoding=Invalid digest encoding [{0}] realmBase.unknownAllRolesMode=Unknown mode [{0}], must be one of: strict, authOnly, strictAuthOnly userDatabaseRealm.lookup=Exception looking up UserDatabase under key [{0}] userDatabaseRealm.noDatabase=No UserDatabase component found under key [{0}]