Class EncryptInterceptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelInterceptor, EncryptInterceptorMBean, Heartbeat, MembershipListener

public class EncryptInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptorBase implements EncryptInterceptorMBean
Adds encryption using a pre-shared key. The length of the key (in bytes) must be acceptable for the encryption algorithm being used. For example, for AES, you must use a key of either 16 bytes (128 bits, 24 bytes 192 bits), or 32 bytes (256 bits). You can supply the raw key bytes by calling setEncryptionKey(byte[]) or the hex-encoded binary bytes by calling setEncryptionKey(String).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EncryptInterceptor

      public EncryptInterceptor()
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start(int svc) throws ChannelException
      Description copied from interface: ChannelInterceptor
      Starts up the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to start The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
      Specified by:
      start in interface ChannelInterceptor
      start in class ChannelInterceptorBase
      svc - int value of
      Channel.DEFAULT - will start all services
      Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver
      Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster
      Channel.SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter
      Channel.SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver
      ChannelException - if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
      See Also:
    • stop

      public void stop(int svc) throws ChannelException
      Description copied from interface: ChannelInterceptor
      Shuts down the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to shutdown The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ChannelInterceptor
      stop in class ChannelInterceptorBase
      svc - int value of
      Channel.DEFAULT - will shutdown all services
      Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ - stops the membership receiver
      Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ - stops the membership broadcaster
      Channel.SND_TX_SEQ - stops the replication transmitter
      Channel.SND_RX_SEQ - stops the replication receiver
      ChannelException - if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
      See Also:
    • sendMessage

      public void sendMessage(Member[] destination, ChannelMessage msg, InterceptorPayload payload) throws ChannelException
      Description copied from interface: ChannelInterceptor
      The sendMessage method is called when a message is being sent to one more destinations. The interceptor can modify any of the parameters and then pass on the message down the stack by invoking getNext().sendMessage(destination,msg,payload)
      Alternatively the interceptor can stop the message from being sent by not invoking getNext().sendMessage(destination,msg,payload)
      If the message is to be sent asynchronous the application can be notified of completion and errors by passing in an error handler attached to a payload object.
      The ChannelMessage.getAddress contains Channel.getLocalMember, and can be overwritten to simulate a message sent from another node.
      Specified by:
      sendMessage in interface ChannelInterceptor
      sendMessage in class ChannelInterceptorBase
      destination - Member[] - the destination for this message
      msg - ChannelMessage - the message to be sent
      payload - InterceptorPayload - the payload, carrying an error handler and future useful data, can be null
      ChannelException - if a serialization error happens.
      See Also:
    • messageReceived

      public void messageReceived(ChannelMessage msg)
      Description copied from interface: ChannelInterceptor
      the messageReceived is invoked when a message is received. ChannelMessage.getAddress() is the sender, or the reply-to address if it has been overwritten.
      Specified by:
      messageReceived in interface ChannelInterceptor
      messageReceived in class ChannelInterceptorBase
      msg - ChannelMessage
    • setEncryptionAlgorithm

      public void setEncryptionAlgorithm(String algorithm)
      Sets the encryption algorithm to be used for encrypting and decrypting channel messages. You must specify the algorithm/mode/padding. Information on standard algorithm names may be found in the Java documentation. Default is AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding.
      Specified by:
      setEncryptionAlgorithm in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      algorithm - The algorithm to use.
    • getEncryptionAlgorithm

      public String getEncryptionAlgorithm()
      Gets the encryption algorithm being used to encrypt and decrypt channel messages.
      Specified by:
      getEncryptionAlgorithm in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      The algorithm being used, including the algorithm mode and padding.
    • setEncryptionKey

      public void setEncryptionKey(byte[] key)
      Sets the encryption key for encryption and decryption. The length of the key must be appropriate for the algorithm being used.
      Specified by:
      setEncryptionKey in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      key - The encryption key.
    • setEncryptionKey

      public void setEncryptionKey(String keyBytes)
      Gets the encryption key being used for encryption and decryption. The key is encoded using hex-encoding where e.g. the byte 0xab will be shown as "ab". The length of the string in characters will be twice the length of the key in bytes.
      keyBytes - The encryption key.
    • getEncryptionKey

      public byte[] getEncryptionKey()
      Gets the encryption key being used for encryption and decryption.
      Specified by:
      getEncryptionKey in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      The encryption key.
    • getEncryptionKeyString

      public String getEncryptionKeyString()
    • setEncryptionKeyString

      public void setEncryptionKeyString(String encryptionKeyString)
    • setProviderName

      public void setProviderName(String provider)
      Sets the JCA provider name used for cryptographic activities. Default is the JVM platform default.
      Specified by:
      setProviderName in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      provider - The name of the JCA provider.
    • getProviderName

      public String getProviderName()
      Gets the JCA provider name used for cryptographic activities. Default is the JVM platform default.
      Specified by:
      getProviderName in interface EncryptInterceptorMBean
      The name of the JCA provider.