Interface Adapter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Adapter
Adapter. This represents the entry point in a coyote-based servlet container.
Remy Maucherat
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Dispatch asynchronous event.
    Assert that request and response have been recycled.
    Provide the name of the domain to use to register MBeans for components associated with the connector.
    log(Request req, Response res, long time)
    Callback to allow logging access outside of the execution of the regular service.
    Prepare the given request/response for processing.
    Call the service method, and notify all listeners.
  • Method Details

    • service

      void service(Request req, Response res) throws Exception
      Call the service method, and notify all listeners.
      req - The request object
      res - The response object
      Exception - if an error happens during handling of the request. Common errors are:
      • IOException if an input/output error occurs and we are processing an included servlet (otherwise it is swallowed and handled by the top level error handler mechanism)
      • ServletException if a servlet throws an exception and we are processing an included servlet (otherwise it is swallowed and handled by the top level error handler mechanism)
      Tomcat should be able to handle and log any other exception ( including runtime exceptions )
    • prepare

      boolean prepare(Request req, Response res) throws Exception
      Prepare the given request/response for processing. This method requires that the request object has been populated with the information available from the HTTP headers.
      req - The request object
      res - The response object
      true if processing can continue, otherwise false in which case an appropriate error will have been set on the response
      Exception - If the processing fails unexpectedly
    • asyncDispatch

      boolean asyncDispatch(Request req, Response res, SocketEvent status) throws Exception
      Dispatch asynchronous event.
      req - the request object
      res - the response object
      status - the event being processed
      true if the dispatch was successful
      Exception - If the processing fails unexpectedly
    • log

      void log(Request req, Response res, long time)
      Callback to allow logging access outside of the execution of the regular service.
      req - the request object
      res - the response object
      time - time taken to process the request/response in milliseconds (use 0 if not known)
    • checkRecycled

      void checkRecycled(Request req, Response res)
      Assert that request and response have been recycled. If they have not then log a warning and force a recycle. This method is called as a safety check when a processor is being recycled and may be returned to a pool for reuse.
      req - Request
      res - Response
    • getDomain

      String getDomain()
      Provide the name of the domain to use to register MBeans for components associated with the connector.
      The MBean domain name