2016/05/28 - Apache Tuscany has been retired.

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 Apache Tuscany > To Be Deleted > Incubator Reports > Incubator report - May 2007 User List | Dev List | Issue Tracker  

iPMC Reviewers: dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl

Tuscany provides infrastructure for developing service-oriented applications based on Service Component Architecture (SCA) specification and Service Data Objects (SDO) specifications. These specifications were submitted to OASIS in March 2007 by OSOA (www.osoa.org)

Top issue? Need to get back on track with agreed project goals, provide a stable codebase/SPIs, and follow up with regular releases. This should create an environment that will attract a growing and diverse community of users and developers. We are working towards this.

Community aspects:

  • Voted in Adriano Crestani, an individual contributor, as a committer for his contributions to DAS project.
  • Voted in Andy Grove from RogueWave as a committer for his lengthy list of contributions to the SDO project.
  • Have been receiving many good user questions and have received good feedback on quality of responses that were provided.
  • Enhanced Tuscany website to improve information sharing. We are working on user and architecture guides for contributors or users of Tuscany.
  • Integration with Apache projects
    • Working with Apache Directory to provide DAS LDAP.
    • Integrated with BSF and Axis2.
  • Fractal is working on integration with Tuscany SCA Java
  • 3 of the commmitters (Jeremy Boynes, Jim Marino and Meeraj)chose to start a new open source project called Fabric3 in March 2007.


  • Released M3 incubator release of Native SCA and SDO C++ in early May.
  • Formed Community Test Suite for SDO which has been receiving many contributions, over 300 tests.
  • In the process of releasing Java SDO Beta1 incubator release. It has community approval and is going through IPMC approval.
  • In the process of releasing SCA Java. This release is focused on improved usability, stability (stable SPIs) and modularity. Stable and simple SPIs and modularity enhance extensibility of SCA for integration with other open source projects.

Note: OSOA is a collaboration group where the first version of SCA and SDO spec were developed, see: http://www.osoa.org

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