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 Apache Tuscany > Home > SCA Overview > SCA Java > SCA Java Work-In-Progress > Java SCA 0.91 Release Contents User List | Dev List | Issue Tracker  

0.91 Java SCA Release Contents

This page outlines the features being planned for the 0.91 Java SCA release.

The 0.91 is targeted for early July 2007, this follows on from the 0.90 release in June.

Working on

  • Improvements to the dynamic language and scripting support
    • remove requirement for .componentType side files
    • support for language specific XML representations (eg E4X)
  • new <binding.ajax> and allignment with <binding.jsonrpc>
  • new simplified SPI for implementing binding and implementation extensions
  • cotribution import/export (lresende - under investigation)
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