Board report for Apache UIMA, for June 2011. Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the UIMA Oasis Standard. Releases: Since last report, UIMA-AS Released ( March 2011). Development: UIMA CAS Editor is being improved and extended with inputs from several active users. A new Eclipse plugin was done that supports easy launching of UIMA Analysis Engines from within Eclipse. The set of add-ons is being released soon (on 2nd release candidate as of now). A user has set up a French language portal to all things UIMA, and contributed a French language models for the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Tagger annotator, and generally improved that annotator. Another user contributed fixes to URL usage. Community: Two users have been busy submitting patches, some of which haven't been acted upon yet (we have a backlog). One new user who has expressed an interest in helping out, has also started contributing patches. Issues: No Board level issues at this time Trademarks/Branding: all of our web pages have the right footers. We changed the first occurrence of the use of trademark at the beginning to be a modifier of a generic class noun, per recent guidance. Branding checklist: Project Website Basics - done Website Navigation Links - done Trademark Attributions - done Logos and Graphics - not done Project Metadata - done Read PMC Branding Responsibilities - partially done. Need to get confirmation that all PMC members have read this.