Board report for Apache UIMA, for September 2012. Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the UIMA Oasis Standard. Releases: No releases since last report. But both 2.4.0 releases of the C++ and UIMA-AS frameworks are close. Activity: We have had much work in testing various release candidates for the C++ version of the UIMA framework (we're up to Release Candidate 7), with feedback from user testing. Bug fixes and improvements are actively being done to both UIMA base SDK and UIMA-AS. Work continues on the TextMarker project in the sandbox, with most issues now resolved, and documentation started. We are progressing toward bringing in a contribution, UIMAFit; they've done the background work toward getting a software grant signed by the various parties, and have posted a code drop on a Jira for the team to initially give feedback on. Community: no changes Issues: No Board level issues at this time