Board report for Apache UIMA, for March 2013. Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the UIMA Oasis Standard. Releases: We released a component, Apache UIMA TextMarker 2.0.0, on 05 March 2013. March 2013 Other Activity: The release of TextMarker elicited a trademark-violation letter; this is actively being worked through by trademarks@. Two major contributions, uimaFIT and DUCC, are now official sandbox projects and are very active. The Eclipse Update Site packaging was restructured to follow P2 conventions, and was released as part of the TextMarker release. Community: New Committers: Jim Challenger and Lou Degenaro, were voted in on 15 January 2013. Issues: No Board level issues at this time