Board report for Apache UIMA, for June 2015. Apache UIMA's mission: the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the analysis of unstructured data, guided by the UIMA Oasis Standard. Dates: 08 Jun 2015 (new) last release 12 Mar 2013 (no change) last PMC addition 24 Dec 2013 (no change) last Committer addition Releases: UIMA Ruta 2.3.0 released, with better integration with Maven, extensions and simplification of the rules language, improvements to analysis engines including the HtmlConverter, and many bug fixes. June 2015 Other Activity: A major potential contribution was posted to our Jira, which reimplements much of the "innards" of UIMA core using more standard Java constructions, in an attempt to support better concurrancy on processors with large numbers (e.g. 64) of cores. This work is a proof-of-concept, and is being evaluated. The community has asked the donor to submit a software grant so we can take this through IP clearance and put it into our SVN for further study and evaluation. This has prompted some new wiki pages documenting various ideas, tradeoffs, and diagrams explaining some of the more subtle points about UIMA innards. These are on our confluence wiki. As a side note, a big thank you to infra for the upgrades to the wiki, in support of nice diagramming tooling! 3 people including 2 PMC members gave UIMA-related talks at Apachecon 2015 in Austin. We heard from one person that they attended ApacheCon just to be able to meet with the UIMA team. One person subsequently has started contributing to the project. Based on an ApacheCon talk which suggested talking with your community where they like to talk, more people have started responding to UIMA questions on StackOverflow, a popular website for these kinds of questions. We have agreed to participate in the documentary video about the ASF; a video call is planned for later this month. Besides UIMA Ruta (which had a release), UIMA DUCC is progressing toward a next release, and core UIMA development continues to be quite active. Community: The community continues to be moderately active. A new person has started committing improvements to one of the core UIMA tools. Issues: No Board level issues at this time.