All Classes and Interfaces

This builder makes it easier to create an aggregate analysis engine.
A collection of static methods for creating UIMA AnalysisEngineDescriptions and AnalysisEngines.
Convenience methods to create annotations
Base class for CAS annotators which initializes itself based on annotations.
Base class for CAS collection readers which initializes itself based on annotations.
Base class for CAS consumers (actually a CasAnnotator_ImplBase) which initializes itself based on annotations.
Dumps CAS content to a text file.
Convenience methods to create CAS objects.
Since UIMA 2.9.0 the core class CasIOUtils should be used.
Base class for a CAS multiplier which initializes itself based on annotations.
Utility methods for convenient access to the CAS.
CAS validation check.
INTERNAL API - Helper functions to obtain a suitable classloader.
This annotation marks an analysis component member variable as a configuration parameter.
A simple class for storing an array of configuration parameters along with an array of the values that will fill in those configuration parameters
Initialize an instance of a class with fields that are annotated as ConfigurationParameters from the parameter values given in a UimaContext.
ContainmentIndex<S extends org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS,U extends org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS>
Create a fast way of repeatedly checking whether instances of one type are contained within the boundaries on another type.
Build a Collection Processing Engine from a CollectionReaderDescription and a AnalysisEngineDescription.
INTERNAL API - Helper functions for operatin with descriptions.
When you are running a suite of unit tests it is often nice to turn off logging.
INTERNAL API - Marks a class as having been processed by an uimaFIT class enhancer, such as the uimafit-maven-plugin.
INTERNAL API - Extended ExternalResourceDescription_impl which can carry ExternalResourceDescriptions.
Mark a field as external resource.
Allows an external resource to use the ExternalResource annotation on member variables to gain access to other external resources.
Helper methods for external resources.
Configurator class for ExternalResource annotations.
Get instance of external resource.
Bridge between Java Collections from different representations of collections of UIMA FeatureStructures.
Indicates that no type has been set.
This class provides a way to hide output sent to System.out and System.err.
This interface provides a way of initializing a class with a UimaContext.
Please see Initializable for a description of how this class is intended to be used.
Base class for JCas annotators which initializes itself based on annotations.
Allows to add types and text to a CAS easily piece by piece.
Base class for JCas collection readers which initializes itself based on annotations.
Base class for JCas consumers (actually a JCasAnnotator_ImplBase) which initializes itself based on annotations.
Convenience methods to create JCas objects.
A class implementing iteration over a the documents of a collection.
A class implementing iteration over a the documents of a collection.
Base class for a JCas multiplier which initializes itself based on annotations.
Utility methods for convenient access to the JCas.
JCas validation check.
Locate an object via JNDI.
Provides information on the languages supported by a component.
INTERNAL API - Legacy support.
INTERNAL API - Legacy support plug-in API.
Helper methods to handle the life cycle of UIMA components.
INTERNAL API - Kinds of meta data uimaFIT uses.
INTERNAL API - Utility methods to locate and access uimaFIT meta data.
Provides information on the MIME types supported by a component.
No-operation annotator.
Control aspects of the UIMA analysis component.
INTERNAL API - Utility methods to access Java annotations.
Base class for external resources which initializes itself based on annotations.
INTERNAL API - Helper resource used when an ExternalResource annotation is used on an array or collection field.
INTERNAL API - Helper functions for dealing with resource managers and classloading This API is experimental and is very likely to be removed or changed in future versions.
This can be used to add component-level meta data such as version, vendor, etc.
Convenience methods to create resource metadata.
@SofaCapability(inputSofas = { GOLD_VIEW, SYSTEM_VIEW })
Convenience methods to handle SofA mappings.
TokenBuilder<TOKEN_TYPE extends org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation,SENTENCE_TYPE extends org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation>
This class provides convenience methods for creating tokens and sentences and add them to a JCas.
A typical use of this annotation might look something like:
Interface identifying validation checks that can be located via the Java Service Locator mechanism.
Exception by a particular validation check.
Fail the current check.
Skip the current check.
Exception generated while validating a CAS.
Individual result from a CAS validation check.
Container for CasValidationResults.
Validate a (J)CAS.
This annotator can be placed at/near the beginning of a pipeline to ensure that a particular view is created before it is used further downstream.
This annotator will copy the text of one view to another view.