Todo List
The 'build dist' for resolver is not picking up the tests and examples
in xml-commons/java/tests/resolver/
→ open
Fix resolver.xml build file to have -src and -bin distros.
→ open
Ensure proper line-endings in .zip and .tar.gz
(evidently .zip is for Win and .tar.gz is for UNIX.
→ open
Finish attending to license inconsistencies as per:
Re: some issues with docs: license review
→ open
Finish initial website. Follow procedure in
How-to Forrest
→ open
Update the Resolver
release notes.
→ open
Update versions of external DOM/SAX/JAXP code to best-possible that still passes TCK-JAXP-1.2.
making TCK-compliant API's common
(Actually is neilg,ilene)
→ neilg
Establish efficient distribution mirrors
and change the download link on the xml-commons website. See doc
Making your downloads mirrorable and the infrastructure@ list.
→ open
Decide how to build separate distributable docs for each "component",
and how they will also be published to xml-commons website
(since resolver, which, etc. will get shipped as individual components,
even though they live in the same project).
Best if xdocs content can remain in /java with their code.
See email:
draft website for xml-commons using Forrest
a website with separate distributable components
→ open
Fix the bugs that are listed in the
Bug database for "XmlCommons".
→ open
Better overview doc of why xml-commons has it's own sets of DOM/SAX/JAXP; also
basic docs on TCK compliance etc.
→ open
Discussion and concensus on packaging of external DOM/SAX/JAXP interfaces (xml-apis.jar etc.) and better jar filenames with a release version number.
→ open