SAX2: Changes

Changes from SAX 2.0 to SAX 2.0 r2 prerelease

(See the ChangeLog in the distribution for more details.)

Changes from SAX 2.0prerelease to SAX 2.0

Changes from SAX 2.0beta2 to SAX 2.0prerelease

(See the ChangeLog included in the distribution for more detailed information.)

Changes from SAX 2.0beta to SAX 2.0beta2

Changes from SAX 1.0 to SAX 2.0beta

The following interfaces and classes have been deprecated, and will be removed from a future version of SAX; they should be used only for interaction with SAX1 drivers or applications:

The following interfaces and classes have been added to SAX2:

SAX2 contains complete Namespace support, which is available by default from any XMLReader. An XML reader can also optionally supply raw XML 1.0 names. See SAX2: Namespaces for more details.

An XML reader is fully configurable: it is possible to attempt to query or change the current value of any feature or property. Features and properties are identified by fully-qualified URIs, and parties are free to invent their own names for new extensions. See SAX2: Features and Properties for more details.

The ContentHandler and Attributes interfaces are similar to the deprecated DocumentHandler and AttributeList interfaces, but they add support for Namespace-related information. ContentHandler also adds a callback for skipped entities, and Attributes adds the ability to look up an attribute's index by name.

The ParserAdapter class makes a SAX1 Parser behave as a SAX2 XMLReader. The XMLReaderAdapter class makes a SAX2 XML reader behave as a SAX1 parser. These two classes should ease the transition from SAX1 to SAX2 by allowing SAX1 drivers and clients to co-exist with SAX2 drivers and clients in the same application.

SAX1 Bugs Fixed

Overrode java.lang.Object.toString so that an embedded exception will give a proper String representation for debugging.
Added missing closing comment so that private constructor is not commented out.
