Which is a simple utility that inspects your JVM's environment and reports simple info about versions of classes found.

See: (overview)
xml-commons project for an overview.
Usage: (common)
java org.apache.env.Which [project;WhichProject] [-options]
Usage: (more examples)
{@link org.apache.env.Which}

This package is a somewhat simplistic environment checking utility. It allows users in various environments to self-test their specific deployed environment to ensure that they have the correct classes present. Which is currently focused on various XML issues but is architected to be generic and easily extensible.

Most of the documentation is included in the Javadocs for the various classes. Which is a framework into which various 'checkers' or WhichProject implementations can be plugged; it then asks each implementation to fill in whatever information it can into a common Hashtable, which it then reports back to the user in one of a number of formats.

Most useful for reporting environments in automated builds or for a self-help system version detection for users reporting bugs.