ApacheCon Europe 2005 Speaker Agreement 1.4 Speaker: Michael Parker -/- Instructions Thanks for offering to speak at ApacheCon Europe 2005! This is your speaker information package. It includes the speaker agreement, a book reference form, and information about registering and making travel/hotel arrangements. Please read it completely. Here are the things you need to do: 1. Read, sign, and fax the speaker agreement (pages    through  )  to  +49 (0)69 63 00 89 89 . 2. DON'T make any lodging arrangements! See the last few pages for instructions on this and arranging your travel. Please email this information to speaker-travel@ApacheCon.Com. 3. Log on to the ApacheCon site and make sure your information (telephone numbers, email and surface mail addresses, et cetera) is all correct. Choose the 'edit personal details' link after logging on. 4. Don't register for the main conference; this will be done automatically for you. As a speaker you receive a complimentary registration for the main conference (not including tutorials). Thanks again! We look forward to seeing you in Stuttgart! ApacheCon Europe 2005 Speaker Agreement This letter is an agreement between Michael Parker ("Speaker") and Software & Support Verlag ("S&SV") for services to be rendered by Speaker as a speaker at the ApacheCon Europe 2005 conference being held 18-22 July 2005 at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, Germany. Speaker Commitments Speaker agrees to prepare and present technical content and instruction at the conference as described in the following sections. Notes and Handouts 'Notes' are the presentation aids, such as slides or viewgraphs, which are used during a session presentation. 'Handouts' are prose documents used for tutorials containing the content of the presentation as opposed to an outline; they need to be sufficiently detailed that a non-attendee can get almost as much out of the handout as he/she would if he/she had attended the presentation. Speaker will prepare a copy of the presentation notes and handout and provide them to S&SV according to the deadlines described below. Notes and handouts will only be accepted in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF formats. If you cannot meet the deadline for the materials, please contact planners@ApacheCon.Com. Due to the technical nature of the conference, materials are required from every speaker in order to assure that all delegates receive them and can get the most from the presentations. If you cannot submit your materials in one or both of the formats described above, please contact planners@ApacheCon.Com in order to discuss a possible exception. It is recommended that handouts be produced with as simple a visual layout as possible, with dark large type on a white or light-coloured background. This will ensure that the content of your slides will be visible from the back of the room, and that they will reproduce onto paper in an acceptable way. The conference proceedings and all 'handouts' are being reproduced for the conference on CDROM. Please include any white papers, tools, bibliographies, links, or other materials that you think may be pertinent or add value to your presentation; they will be included on the conference CD-ROM if practicable. This ancillary material may be in whatever format you desire; it is not limited to PowerPoint or PDF. Scheduled Sessions: DE1349 Storing SpamAssassin User Data in SQL Databases ( minutes on at ) Session notes and handouts must be received by S&SV by: Monday, 23 May 2005. S&SV Commitments S&SV will arrange for and provide the necessary power, network, and audio/visual support for presentations. This support will consist of: one (1) lapel microphone; one (1) LCD projector and screen; and a basic sound system. Speakers are responsible for providing their own computers to drive the projector. (Remember to bring the appropriate power adapters and converters if you are coming internationally.) Any additional audio/visual equipment must be requested in writing by Sunday, 15 May 2005. S&SV will make a best-effort attempt to comply with special requests, but cannot guarantee success. Payment S&SV will compensate Speaker according to the amounts and schedules described above; these amounts constitute the speaking fee. In addition, S&SV will: 1. prepay for reasonable coach airfare if booked with the conference travel agent by 3 May 2005; 2. prepay 2 nights' hotel room plus tax (unless otherwise arranged); 3. provide Speaker with meals for each day on which Speaker is at the conference; 4. reimburse Speaker, upon presentation of receipts, for reasonable expenses for ground travel between the airport and the Stuttgart host hotel and back (such as taxi fares and tips); and 5. waive Speaker's conference registration fee. The number of nights covered is calculated from the number of sessions scheduled, plus one, to a maximum of one more than the number of days in the conference. S&SV will pay expenses and fees for  ONE  speaker per scheduled presentation or tutorial. Additional speakers are not covered notwithstanding any copy of this agreement executed with them. If a presentation involves multiple speakers, distribution of fees and selection of which receives the travel and lodging allowance must be decided amongst them. If changes are made to Speaker's itinerary after travel has been booked, Speaker is solely responsible for any additional fees or costs incurred. All contracts and paperwork must be signed and complete before payment will be issued. All payment will be made by bank transfer upon invoice. An invoice form for reimbursement will be provided. Policies By signing and returning this agreement, Speaker acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by the policies set forth in this agreement and on the ApacheCon Web site at <URL:http://ApacheCon.Com/html/policies.html>. 1. The ApacheCon management reserves the right to cancel any session or tutorial, at any time and for any reason, including on-site and after the presentation has begun. If a session is cancelled, the ApacheCon management may adjust or cancel the speaking fee accordingly. 2. All presentations will be objective and vendor-neutral, and will not include any product pitches. 3. Presentations must fulfill their allotted time slot. Dismissing attendees twenty minutes early is not acceptable! Failure to fulfill an assigned time slot may result in a reduced speaking fee. 4. If notes and handouts are not received by the deadline, the ApacheCon management may adjust or cancel the speaking fee accordingly. 5. By agreeing to present, Speaker grants the Apache Software Foundation and its designated agents a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable, and unencumbered licence to reproduce the presentation materials in any format, in order to make them available to conference delegates and others, for fee or gratis. Speaker waives all claim to any portion of any monies accruing from such distribution. 6. S&SV assumes the cost of reproducing and distributing presentation materials to delegates. If Speaker violates or fails to comply with any of these policies, the ApacheCon management may adjust or cancel the speaking fee accordingly. Signatures By signing this agreement, all parties affirm that they understand its terms and consent to be bound by them in their entirety. Speaker ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Printed Name For S&SV and ApacheCon ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Printed Name Speaker's Address: Michael Parker 17415 Montana Falls Dr. Round Rock, TX   78681 United States Bookseller Title Requests If you make reference to any books or other published works, please consider listing them here. This information will be provided to booksellers exhibiting at the conference so they may stock them, making it easier for delegates to obtain them. If you have any titles to request, please write them clearly in the spaces below. Include the author and publisher, and edition or year of publication if you know it. Fax the form to +49 (0)69 63 00 89 89 before Sunday, 15 May 2005. Speaker: Michael Parker DE1349: Storing SpamAssassin User Data in SQL Databases ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information The following is an informational addendum, and not part of the Speaker Agreement proper. Deadlines Tuesday, 3 May 2005 All travel and accommodation requests due (REQUIRED). Monday, 23 May 2005 All session note and handout materials due (REQUIRED). Sunday, 15 May 2005 All special audio/visual requests due (optional). Bookseller title request form due (optional). Travel and Lodging S&SV will prepay travel and lodging expenses as set forth in the Speaker Agreement. Details for arranging these are described below. If you have any questions, please direct them to speaker-travel@ApacheCon.Com. Be aware of potential differences in the electrical systems; bring receptacle adapters and voltage converters if necessary. Travel S&SV will be working to arrange travel for speakers. There is a bit of information we need from you to make this process easy and to provide you with that you request. To speed up the process please send your flight requests to: speaker-travel@ApacheCon.Com We will go over the options and get your itinerary back to you ASAP. Travel arrangements must be made before Tuesday, 3 May 2005 in order to be eligible for prepayment. If you would like to arrange travel yourself, you must contact S&SV as well, and provide them with your travel details (i.e., your airport/city). S&SV will provide you with the maximum amount that will be reimbursed. We will be working with ticketless travel [e-tickets] wherever possible. In order to begin the process of arranging your travel, we need the following information from you: 1. Do you want us to book your airline reservation? If your answer is 'no' then please send us a copy of your itinerary -- when you have it -- so we know when you are due to arrive and on what flights. In this case S&SV will reimburse you for the travel costs rather than prepaying it for you. If yes, then please answer the following questions: 2. What is your full legal name as it appears on your passport? 3. Where are you flying from? 4. What are the dates and times that you want to depart and return? 5. Do you have a preferred airline? 6. What is/are your frequent flyer number(s)? 7. Do you have a seating preference? 8. Do you have special meal requirements or preferences? If you have someone traveling with you, please feel free to contact speaker-travel@apachecon.com and arrange for the second ticket to be booked at the same time. Accommodations To arrange for lodging for the event, contact speaker-travel@ApacheCon.Com or call Maike Ahrndt at +49 (0) 69 63 00 89 23. Please have your intended arrival and departure dates determined before making arrangements.