To use generate_title you might need to: sudo cpan install Text::Wrap sudo cpan install Getopt::Long chmod a+x generate_title The process for generating a video is: Generate the title card using generate_title Generate the video using: mlt-melt -profile atsc_1080p_2997 TITLECARD.png out=120 preroll.mp4 -mix 30 -mixer luma mlW1815.mp4 -mix 30 -mixer luma endcard.png out=240 -mix 30 -mixer luma -consumer avformat:mlW1815_final.mp4 v=libx264 preset=slow crf=18 a=copy pix_fmt=yuv420p strict=-2 That's all one line. Note that mlW1815 is an example file name and should be replaced with the actual file name.