How to Help Apache Kafka Achieve Elasticity Based on Cloud-Native Technology


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 15:45 GMT+8  #general

Apache Kafka as an event streaming platform is usually used by most enterprises as a data transmission channel, streaming computation analysis and data integration. In this session, we will first introduce the current pain points of Apache Kafka, such as the difficulty of elastic scalability, only for the peak of the preparation capacity, compute and storage coupling binding and so on. Then, we will introduce how to combine Elastic Stream to make Kafka Serverless. The main content will be developed through the following three parts:

  • Elastic Stream-based stateless Kafka Broker elastic architecture.
  • Elastic Stream elastic architecture.
  • How to make full use of the cloud infrastructure, which can help Kafka save up to 70% of its capacity. Kafka to save up to 70% of the cost.


Xu Han: (AutoMQ) Storage Technology Lead.Leading the design and development of Serverless Kafka. He used to be the person in charge of online messaging and offline data transmission links for Anthem, and has rich experience in storage and traffic high availability for large-scale messaging clusters.