Based on EventMesh, we build a very large scale cloud-native event grid -EventGrid


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 13:30 GMT+8  #general

EventMesh is a new generation of serverless event middleware that simplifies event-driven architecture, improves development efficiency, uses a microkernel plug-in design, and has a rich out-of-the-box event connector that provides a variety of off-the-shelf features without having to build an event connector from scratch. It complies with CNCF Serverlesswork-flow standard event orchestration, supports the standard PubSub event publishing subscription model, and seamlessly integrates with different event stores, message brokers, and cloud platforms. This speech mainly introduces the implementation and practice of EventMesh in Huawei Cloud from the aspects of architecture planning, ecological construction, and practice cases.


Wang Haijun: Huawei Cloud Computing Co. LTD, Technical expert of Huawei Cloud middleware team, Currently working in Huawei Cloud Computing Co., LTD., Huawei cloud middleware team technical expert, EventGrid service technology leader

Xue Weiming: Webank, Middleware development Engineer, Xue Weiming, developer of Webank middleware platform, Apache EventMesh project PMC, focuses on cloud native, event messaging, microservices, and loves open source technology. He has participated in relevant conferences for many times, such as Apache Con Asia 2021\2022, COSCon'22 and so on.