Introduction to Apache Doris 2.0

Ma Ruyue

Chinese Session 2023-08-18 10:10 GMT+8  #keynote

If in the past Apache Doris mainly served high-performance online real-time analysis scenarios, the release of version 1.2 at the end of 2022 undoubtedly marks a further expansion of Apache Doris' capability boundaries. More and more users are starting to build efficient real-time data analysis services based on Apache Doris, and the recently released version 2.0 has comprehensively strengthened Apache Doris' capabilities in scenarios such as semi-structured data analysis, mixed workloads, and data lake federation analysis. In this presentation, I will unveil the latest and most important features of Apache Doris 2.0. At the same time, based on the community’s research and development direction over the past few years, I will share the important development directions and detailed plans for version iteration in the future.


Ma Ruyue: Former distinguished architect at Baidu, has served as the technical leader of Baidu’s distributed computing team, big data engineering team, and AI product engineering team. In 2013, he led the design and development of the real-time data warehouse Doris and served as its overall leader thereafter. Starting in 2023, he serves as the CEO of Feilun Technology.