Apache ECharts' Package Size Revolution powered by SSR and Lightweight Client Runtime


Chinese Session 2023-08-18 13:30 GMT+8  #olap

With over 20 chart types, Apache ECharts' package size can be as much as 1MB, causing prolonged loading times on mobile devices without 4G connectivity. Discover how Server-Side Rendering (SSR) resolves this issue, while also exploring the implementation of SVG animation techniques that enable users to interact with rendered images. Learn innovative methods to optimize performance and create engaging, interactive visualizations that captivate your audience while keeping package sizes minimal. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of Apache ECharts on mobile devices and revolutionize your data visualization practices.


Ovilia: Apache ECharts, PMC Chair of Apache ECharts, Ovilia has been working on Apache ECharts project since 2016 and is now PMC Chair of the project. She is also a passionate advocate for data visualization. Through her work, Ovilia strives to democratize access to information, ensuring that it is readily available and easily understandable for people from all walks of life.