China Mobile Wutong Cloud native analytical database architecture sharing


Chinese Session 2023-08-20 16:15 GMT+8  #olap

With the in-depth development of digital transformation, data warehouse technology is constantly deeply integrating the characteristics of cloud computing to provide users with large-scale, high elasticity, high performance and low cost. China Mobile Information Technology is the group’s “big data” key work responsibility unit, with a wealth of big data business scenarios and domestic independent controllable needs, integrating China Mobile’s big data platform resources and talent advantages, to create a “easy to use, easy to use, effective” innovative product - China Mobile Wutongyun native analytical database. China Mobile Wutong Cloud native analytical database is developed by China Mobile Information Technology Center, passed the Xinchuang test, safe and controllable. The storage and computing separation architecture is compatible with the cloud ecosystem of mainstream manufacturers, and can be flexibly scaled and used on demand based on cloud infrastructure. Vectorization execution engine can support high performance analysis query computation and high concurrency. Native interconnect with multiple storage, support data fusion analysis. China Mobile Wutong Cloud native analytical database is suitable for a variety of big data analysis scenarios, especially in the mixed service load and high concurrency, full real-time data processing and lake warehouse fusion scenarios. We completed the research and development of version v1.0 at the end of 2022, and the results have been applied to Henan and Jiangsu, and in Jiangxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Heilongjiang and other provinces, the company is carrying out the localization of the main warehouse replacement.


Wang Xiaoyu: China Mobile Information Technology Company, Database kernel architect, Wang Xiaoyu, database kernel architect, analytical database product leader, China Mobile Information Technology Company. Responsible for the development and application of the company’s analytical database products. He has more than ten years of experience in database kernel development, mainly in the fields of query optimizer, high-performance computing, SQL on Hadoop, etc.