Apache Druid 26.x after Open Source for 10 years

Jin Jiayi

Chinese Session 2023-08-20 14:30 GMT+8  #olap

Apache Druid is a well-known OLAP analysis engine that has been in development since its initial release of version 0.1 at the end of 2012. After a decade of development, it has finally reached its latest major release of version 26.x, which has elevated both its architecture design and performance to unprecedented levels. In this presentation, I will take you on a deep dive into the development history of Druid, as well as the powerful features that the latest version brings.


Jin Jiayi, a Big Data Technology Expert at Shopee, is a Committer and PMC (Project Management Committee) member of the top-level Apache project Druid. They are also a member of the Alibaba Cloud Open Source Organization and a speaker at ApacheCon technical conferences. As a contracted instructor for Geek Time, they are a Senior Technical Consultant at Imply. Jin Jiayi is the author of the blog ‘Cosmic Bay’ and the translator of the book ‘Java Coding Problems’ (expected to be released this year).