Writing Your Own Pipelines

This section discusses the different steps of creating your own Crunch pipelines in more detail.

Writing a DoFn

The DoFn class is designed to keep the complexity of the MapReduce APIs out of your way when you don't need them while still keeping them accessible when you do.


First, all DoFn instances are required to be java.io.Serializable. This is a key aspect of the library's design: once a particular DoFn is assigned to the Map or Reduce stage of a MapReduce job, all of the state of that DoFn is serialized so that it may be distributed to all of the nodes in the Hadoop cluster that will be running that task. There are two important implications of this for developers:

  1. All member values of a DoFn must be either serializable or marked as transient.
  2. All anonymous DoFn instances must be defined in a static method or in a class that is itself serializable.

Because sometimes you will need to work with non-serializable objects inside of a DoFn, every DoFn provides an initialize method that is called before the process method is ever called so that any initialization tasks, such as creating a non-serializable member variable, can be performed before processing begins. Similarly, all DoFn instances have a cleanup method that may be called after processing has finished to perform any required cleanup tasks.

Scale Factor

The DoFn class defines a scaleFactor method that can be used to signal to the MapReduce compiler that a particular DoFn implementation will yield an output PCollection that is larger (scaleFactor > 1) or smaller (0 < scaleFactor < 1) than the input PCollection it is applied to. The compiler may use this information to determine how to optimally split processing tasks between the Map and Reduce phases of dependent MapReduce jobs.

Other Utilities

The DoFn base class provides convenience methods for accessing the Configuration and Counter objects that are associated with a MapReduce stage, so that they may be accessed during initialization, processing, and cleanup.

Performing Cogroups and Joins

Cogroups and joins are performed on PTable instances that have the same key type. This section walks through the basic flow of a cogroup operation, explaining how this higher-level operation is composed of the four primitive operations. In general, these common operations are provided as part of the core library or in extensions, you do not need to write them yourself. But it can be useful to understand how they work under the covers.

Assume we have a PTable<K, U> named "a" and a different PTable<K, V> named "b" that we would like to combine into a single PTable<K, Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>>. First, we need to apply parallelDo operations to a and b that convert them into the same PType, PTable<K, Pair<U, V>>:

// Perform the "tagging" operation as a parallelDo on PTable a
PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> aPrime = a.parallelDo("taga", new MapFn<Pair<K, U>, Pair<K, Pair<U, V>>>() {
  public Pair<K, Pair<U, V>> map(Pair<K, U> input) {
    return Pair.of(input.first(), Pair.of(input.second(), null));
}, tableOf(a.getKeyType(), pair(a.getValueType(), b.getValueType())));

// Perform the "tagging" operation as a parallelDo on PTable b
PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> bPrime = b.parallelDo("tagb", new MapFn<Pair<K, V>, Pair<K, Pair<U, V>>>() {
  public Pair<K, Pair<U, V>> map(Pair<K, V> input) {
    return Pair.of(input.first(), Pair.of(null, input.second()));
}, tableOf(a.getKeyType(), pair(a.getValueType(), b.getValueType())));

Once the input PTables are tagged into a single type, we can apply the union operation to create a single PTable reference that includes both of the tagged PTables and then group the unioned PTable by the common key:

PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> both = aPrime.union(bPrime);
PGroupedTable<K, Pair<U, V>> grouped = both.groupByKey();

The grouping operation will create an Iterable<Pair<U, V>> which we can then convert to a Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>:

grouped.parallelDo("cogroup", new MapFn<Pair<K, Iterable<Pair<U, V>>>, Pair<K, Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>>>() {
  public Pair<K, Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>> map(Pair<K, Iterable<Pair<U, V>>> input) {
    Collection<U> uValues = new ArrayList<U>();
    Collection<V> vValues = new ArrayList<V>();
    for (Pair<U, V> pair : input.second()) {
      if (pair.first() != null) {
      } else {
    return Pair.of(input.first(), Pair.of(uValues, vValues));
}, tableOf(grouped.getKeyType(), pair(collections(a.getValueType()), collections(b.getValueType()))));