SYSCOLUMNS system table

The SYSCOLUMNS table describes the columns within all tables in the current database.

The following table shows the contents of the SYSCOLUMNS system table.

Table 1. SYSCOLUMNS system table
Column Name Type Length Nullable Contents
REFERENCEID CHAR 36 false Identifier for table (join with SYSTABLES.TABLEID)
COLUMNNAME VARCHAR 128 false Column or parameter name
COLUMNNUMBER INT 10 false The position of the column within the table
COLUMNDATATYPE org.apache.derby. catalog. TypeDescriptor

This class is not part of the public API.

2,147,483,647 false System type that describes precision, length, scale, nullability, type name, and storage type of data. For a user-defined type, this column can hold a TypeDescriptor that refers to the appropriate type alias in SYS.SYSALIASES.
COLUMNDEFAULT 2,147,483,647 true For tables, describes default value of the column. The toString() method on the object stored in the table returns the text of the default value as specified in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.
COLUMNDEFAULTID CHAR 36 true Unique identifier for the default value
AUTOINCREMENTVALUE BIGINT 20 true What the next value for column will be, if the column is an identity column (Release 10.10 or earlier only)
AUTOINCREMENTSTART BIGINT 20 true Initial value of column (if specified), if it is an identity column
AUTOINCREMENTINC BIGINT 20 true Amount column value is automatically incremented (if specified), if the column is an identity column
Note: The AUTOINCREMENTVALUE column has no meaning in a database that has been fully upgraded to Derby Release 10.11 or higher. At Release 10.11 or higher, use the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_PEEK_AT_IDENTITY system function to observe the next value for an identity column.