Defenses mapped to threats

The following table maps defenses to examples of threats that they parry.

This matrix can help you decide whether you need to configure specific defenses. Consult this table if you decide NOT to configure a defense -- make sure that you are still shielded from the corresponding threats.

Table 1. Derby defenses
Defense Damages Attackers Techniques Vulnerabilities
SSL/TLS Theft and corruption Insiders and outsiders Man-in-the middle, eavesdropping, physical access Network JDBC, cleartext traffic
Encryption Theft and corruption Chiefly insiders Physical access Open source
Authentication Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders and outsiders Probing Superusers
Coarse-grained authorization Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders and outsiders Probing Superusers
Fine-grained SQL authorization Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders and outsiders Probing Superusers
Firewalls Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders and outsiders Probing Network JDBC
Accounts Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders Man-in-the-middle, malware, physical access Launch privileges, user code
Physical locks Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders Man-in-the-middle, malware, physical access Launch privileges, user code
Secure traffic Theft and corruption Insiders Man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping Cleartext traffic
File permissions Theft, corruption, denial of service Insiders and outsiders Malware Launch privileges, user code, open source
Related concepts
Why databases need security
Defenses against security threats
Designing safer Derby applications
Security terminology