Use prepared statements with substitution parameters

In Derby, as with most relational database management systems, performing an SQL request has two steps: compiling the request and executing it. When you use prepared statements (java.sql.PreparedStatement) instead of statements (java.sql.Statement) you can help Derby avoid unnecessary compilation, which saves time. In general, any query that you will use more than once should be a prepared statement.

For more information, see Avoiding compiling SQL statements.

Using prepared statements can result in significant performance improvement, depending on the complexity of the query. More complex queries show greater benefit from being prepared.

Related concepts
Create indexes, and make sure they are being used
Increase the size of the data page cache
Tune the size of database pages
Avoid expensive queries
Use the appropriate getXXX and setXXX methods for the type
Tune database booting/class loading
Avoid inserts in autocommit mode if possible
Customize the optimizer methods for table functions