The SYSCOLPERMS table stores the column permissions that have been granted but not revoked.
All of the permissions for one (GRANTEE, TABLEID, TYPE, GRANTOR) combination are specified in a single row in the SYSCOLPERMS table. The keys for the SYSCOLPERMS table are:
The following table shows the contents of the SYSCOLPERMS system table.
Column Name | Type | Length | Nullable | Contents |
COLPERMSID | CHAR | 36 | false | Used by the dependency manager to track the dependency of a view, trigger, or constraint on the column level permissions |
GRANTEE | VARCHAR | 128 | false | The authorization ID of the user or role to which the privilege was granted |
GRANTOR | VARCHAR | 128 | false | The authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege. Privileges can be granted only by the object owner |
TABLEID | CHAR | 36 | false | The unique identifier for the table on which the permissions have been granted |
TYPE | CHAR | 1 | false | If the privilege is non-grantable, the valid values are:
's' for SELECT 'S' for SELECT |
COLUMNS | org.apache.derby.
This class is not part of the public API. |
2,147,483,647 | false | A list of columns to which the privilege applies |