Building DeltaSpike from source


Deltaspike uses maven build tool to automate the compilation, testing and packaging of the project

Full build

mvn clean install

Build with test

mvn clean install -POWB //execute the unit tests with OpenWebBeans
mvn clean install -PWeld //execute the unit tests with Weld

Integration Tests

With the unpack Maven-Plugin all Arquillian-Tests get copied to the integration-test module. Together with the special integration-tests they get executed via a remote container. Currently we have configurations for the following containers.


Executing the Arquillian tests with Apache TomEE

mvn clean install -Ptomee-build-managed

JBoss AS7

Without existing AS7

Executing the Arquillian tests with JBoss AS7 (without AS7 installation)

mvn clean install -Pjbossas-build-managed-7

With existing AS7

Set JBoss_HOME

Executing the Arquillian tests with JBoss AS7 (AS7 installation required)

mvn clean install -Pjbossas-managed-7

WildFly 8

Without existing WF8

Executing the Arquillian tests with JBoss-WF8 (without WF8 installation)

mvn clean install -Pwildfly-build-managed

With existing WF8


Executing the Arquillian tests with JBoss-WF8 (WF8 installation required)

mvn clean install -Pwildfly-managed

GlassFish 3.1

Without existing GF3

Executing the Arquillian tests with GF3 (without GF3 installation)

mvn clean install -Pglassfish-build-managed-3

With existing GF3

Install GlassFish (default setup without admin-password) and start GlassFish with asadmin start-domain and asadmin start-database

Executing the Arquillian tests with Oracle Glassfish 3.1+

mvn clean install -Pglassfish-remote-3.1

GlassFish 4

Without existing GF4

Executing the Arquillian tests with GF4 (without GF4 installation)

mvn clean install -Pglassfish-build-managed-4

WebLogic 12c

Install WebLogic 12c. Start Confiuration Wizard to create a new basic WebLogic Domain. Default options and domain name = base_domain, administrator user name = weblogic1, administrator password = weblogic1. Set WLS_HOME so that %WLS_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.jar exists. Start the domain.

Executing the Arquillian tests with Oracle WebLogic 12c

mvn clean install -Pwls-remote-12c

Jenkins Builds
